Trident MCS has burnt down

Horrible, horrible situation.

If enough customers with losses go after him, he's going to be in quite dire straits... (BESIDES his huge personal loss)

Sad indeed. If he was uninsured I hope he at least had his customers indemnify him in the event of fire or theft .
Here in the good old USA you can be sued by anyone for anything.
It could be argued that fire and theft are beyond the business owners control .In days gone by many businesses posted signs saying not responsible for fire or theft - not sure how that would stand up in court.
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I have talked to Les a couple of times at the July Mallory weekend, and really hope they can salvage something from the ashes.
The only positive in this is Les has the ability to remake everything. It just comes down to how much equipment he has lost. Then it's time & income, he is in his 70s now. I wish him & Denise well & hope they come back.
I've just found out from my other half there's a load of abuse aimed at Les on Facebook because he didn't have insurance
I can't imagine what he's going through
I feel very sorry for him and very sorry for the customers that have lost bikes
Sad all around - what do you do when when you can’t afford to be uninsured but can’t afford the insurance.
But some of the comments are things like "oil petrol paint and most likely welding equipment it's a recipe for disaster"
Also calling him a conman etc etc
That's the reason I never go on Facebook
I'm betting the people commenting don't have a bike in there being repaired
I bet a lot of them aren't even motorcyclists!
Before I ever got a client bike in my garage, I bought an all-inclusive insurance policy that also covered me riding customer bikes. Theft, fire, incidental damage in the shop, and natural disasters; plus comprehensive coverage when riding. It wasn't that expensive, a couple hundred a year. Also covered the metal building.

I DON'T MEAN TO RUB SALT IN A WOUND, just for the next fellow...
Having been self employed for the latter part of my life in the construction industry I can sympathize with insurance woes.
It’s mandatory for my license - ( liability policy ) . I had no employees - just me and some sub contractors . Never had any claims in all those years yet every year there were increases in premiums. I had to cary workman’s comp to cover subs when I used them yet they had to produce Certification of their own workman’s comp - if I paid them without them providing COI
I was surcharged . I did not cary workman’s comp coverage for myself and had no employees and subs had to provide their own proof of coverage so the underwriters of my policy in all likelihood would never have to pay out on a claim . Yet every year the premium increased. I decided to no longer use subs as I wound down my business last year and told my agent to cancel my workman’s comp policy for the up coming year . The premium was paid IN FULL for the following year and after waiting several months for my refund I was told by the underwriters that I was not entitled to a refund. After a long fight I told my agent what I had paid his agency over the years for truck , liability and workman’s comp without them having to pay out a penny ( the total was just under $ 50k for a one man operation) and that if the insurance company was not going to refund then his agency should .
To his credit he agreed. No wonder much of the world hates insurance companies.
I don’t know how the insurance business in the UK operates but I have a sneaking suspicion that it is much the same . I’ll wager that even if this poor man whose business was destroyed by fire had insurance he would have to fight for every penny of his claim .
Sucks all around.