The Australian economy

Jun 30, 2012
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Business confidence in Australia is now the highest it has been for eleven years. Prior to 2019, one third of Australia's population used to holiday overseas. each year They now spend their money in Australia. Wage theft is endemic in Australia.
We are phuked in USA. Business is good east coast unemployed is low but stimulus bail out is going to kill us. It's like the auto industry, one year free financing ,then four year free financing, no money down. Where does it stop. Government following same path. Free education, free rent ,Free FRee FREe FREE. I pay taxes NOTHING is free!!! I f I bring my Norton's will they let me in? lol
One litre of regular gas here as of midnight last is $1.32 , or $5.30 USA gal..... or $4.48 USA , that a bit high compared , sure not free ...
Prior to 2019, one third of Australia's population used to holiday overseas. each year
Where did you get those stats? The financial pages of the Melbourne Truth?

(for you OS blokes, the Melbourne Truth is a newspaper famous for the page 3 mammary photos - and no - it doesn't have financial pages.)
Australian Bureau of Statistics state there were 9.9 million outgoing overseas travellers in 2019.
Doesn't have people numbers but, given that many will be multiple trips by the same person (eg: business travel), it would be fair to at least halve that - so... say 4.9 million people travelled OS.
Population then was 25.4 million
So... actually it was about 19%

Now... about endemic wage theft... you really need to get out of Victoria Al!
Australian Bureau of Statistics state there were 9.9 million outgoing overseas travellers in 2019.
Doesn't have people numbers but, given that many will be multiple trips by the same person (eg: business travel), it would be fair to at least halve that - so... say 4.9 million people travelled OS.
Population then was 25.4 million
So... actually it was about 19%

Now... about endemic wage theft... you really need to get out of Victoria Al!
Rob, I've tried common sense & facts, but it is a waste of time. Old accotrel is wrapped up in his own dogma and can't see the facts.
Pretty much we all are. Even when we try not to be.
It does seem that what used to be called Economics has flown out the window.
Much of this is just a huge worldwide change in how things work good or bad.
Being old, I try to just hand wave it and go out and wax the Norton. :-(
If you watch the Youtube videos about global debt, you would believe the whole world is swimming in debt. During the Cold War, the Russian barge operators on the canals of Europe charged rates which no other country could compete with, due to the communist approach to debt. Now that capitalism has floated the dollar our current monetary system is probably no different. Every time a bank issues a loan, they digitally create money. It is not our savings funding somebody else's house purchase.
Australian politicians like to compare national debt with domestic credit card debt. But it is nothing like that. I don't know if it is something ever worth worrying about. I think a lot depends on mindset - we are all still alive and can affect our own futures. There is no need for a revolution. It would achieve nothing. Our world is globalised and global debt is probably irrelevant. Nobody is ever going to collect it.
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Australian Bureau of Statistics state there were 9.9 million outgoing overseas travellers in 2019.
Doesn't have people numbers but, given that many will be multiple trips by the same person (eg: business travel), it would be fair to at least halve that - so... say 4.9 million people travelled OS.
Population then was 25.4 million
So... actually it was about 19%

Now... about endemic wage theft... you really need to get out of Victoria Al!
I live in the best town in the best part of the best state in Australia. Our local federal member of parliament is an independent, and our state premier is competent and progressive. Things can only get better.
I live in the best town in the best part of the best state in Australia. Our local federal member of parliament is an independent, and our state premier is competent and progressive. Things can only get better.
Not a skerrick of the endemic wage theft there then...
Not in my town either... ...s'funny innit?
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I can still get HT with no corn syrup , hope it possible there too , I do have to add another 10 cents or so a litre to get it .....
I live in the best town in the best part of the best state in Australia. Our local federal member of parliament is an independent, and our state premier is competent and progressive. Things can only get better.
You are in dire need of professional help.
I thought he was in intensive care after breaking ribs and vertebrae after falling down stairs??
Maybe he was pushed, they all hate him down there and will prob will get get kicked out of office next time.
This morn petrol went up 1.28 sterling a litre. That is about 6.50 USD a US gallon I think.
That is for "regular". Most of us are likely running "premium" though. Down here in the
wastes of the Far South West we aren't allowed the luxury of leaded fuel.
When I lived in Germany, gas was expensive, but roads were great. In the US around 13% the cost of gas is tax, but what is done with the money - certainly not providing great roads! I'm guessing that the cost of gas in other countries is also mostly tax - what is it used for in your country?

BTW, in the US the gas station makes much less per gallon than the Govt.!