While a student I worked on survey crew in Saskatchewan 1975/6 ... we got stuck on wrong side of South Saskatchewan river by broken cable on only ferry crossing and had to spend the night in a very small town ,only entertainment was a museum , they had saddle of “boss rider” of biggest ranch in the west a hundred years before ,on display ,along with his rifle and buffalo coat/robe .... anyway saddle had a solid silver horn .... guess how he and his famously smart horse died ... ... stood there for a couple of whiles before moving to next display
Luck of the draw, lightning strikes kill a lot of people every year but a lot also servives, getting struck while riding how often would that happen, very rare indeed.

Well, I had to google it. Florida leads with most strikes/sq mile 25.3. From 1990 to 2003 Florida had 126 kills. They figure ten times that number are injured. Texas of course has most strikes at 2,500,000 in 2018. In deaths per million people, Wyoming leads with 2, Utah .7, Colorado .6, and Florida .6. If you see the flash and wait less than 30 seconds for the boom, take cover as the storm is less than 10 miles away.
My grandfather was struck by lightning as a young ranger in the Wind River range in Wyoming. Knocked him off his horse and put a hole in his hat. Lucky devil.
Wow, its not bad enough we have to watchout for other drivers,animals,bad road surface,birds,bugs,pedestrians,inclimate weather,gravel,sand,grass on the road,wet painted lines,wet leaves on the road,high winds,road debris etc, lightning.
My condolences to the family.
My father-in-law was struck while holding an umbrella at the Grand Canyon; zapped right thru him and left him sore and tingly for a couple of days.

Check out this surveillance video of a guy that was going to mug a couple, he gets zapped TWICE!

My father-in-law was struck while holding an umbrella at the Grand Canyon; zapped right thru him and left him sore and tingly for a couple of days.

Check out this surveillance video of a guy that was going to mug a couple, he gets zapped TWICE!

Well he got what he deserves if he was going to mug a couple.

My wife and myself were out on the old Thruxton a few years ago visiting a mate out at Toogoolah a few years ago when a storm was brewing so I decided to head home well we didn't get far before lightning strikes were hitting the ground all around us, I told my wife who was on the back to raise her arm above her head and she did, why do you want me to raise my arm and I told her later I was using her as a lightning rod, just as a joke but the funny thing she did it lol.
