Steve Maney Racing in the US

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Mar 15, 2009
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Must be something about getting into your eighth decade that makes people nostalgic. Anyhow, with all the mention of Steve Maney and all his great hardware, I thought I'd post some pictures of Steve and his bike when he first came over here to race with us. A friend of mine helped him come over for the first time in 1999, and asked if I could share our pit resources with him. We had a great time together. This is the only picture I have from that year. Not too suruprisingly, I'm the one with the beer in his hand.

Steve Maney Racing in the US

Steve came back in 2000 and raced out of our pit again at Deland (the warmup for Daytona) and Daytona. This is a shot of our pit area at Daytona in 2000, showing Steve's bike, my Norton, and one of the SOS bikes we were also racing.

Steve Maney Racing in the US

And this is one of my favorite shots of Steve in front of one of the local dives outside Daytona.

Steve Maney Racing in the US

In 2000 Steve also raced with us at Willow Springs, and at Sears Point in either 2000 or 2001. I'm not so sure which year is which any more. In 2004 he came over and raced with us again at Daytona. I'll post some pics from those races if there's any interest.

This is a shot of Steve and the BMW wrecking crew at Sears in either 2000 or 2001. I'm a little fuzzy on the correct dates'

Steve Maney Racing in the US

And this one is a happy Steve with his bike and trophys at Deland in 2000.

Steve Maney Racing in the US

And an shot of the bike at Deland in 2000.

Steve Maney Racing in the US

Steve ready to hit the track at Willow Springs in 2000.

Steve Maney Racing in the US

And our luxurious pit facilities at Willow in 2000.

In 2004 we did our last great hurrah on the AHRMA circuit. This is a shot of our team at Willow Springs in 2004.

Steve Maney Racing in the US

And this is the victorious crew at Daytona in 2004, with all three riders having manged to win their races.

Steve Maney Racing in the US

Ah, the glory days.

Hi Ken

Nice run down memory lane.
If Steve comes out to play this season I will get a few photos for you.

Chris said:
Hi Ken

Nice run down memory lane.
If Steve comes out to play this season I will get a few photos for you.


Great idea. I don't know what Steve's racing plans are now that he's divorced. He was planning on coming over here this year for the Barbour AHRMA race and mybe for Bonneville, but I think that was just as a spectator.


You might be pleased to hear that Steve Maneys short stroke 2000 Daytona engine is alive & well in my race bike.

I purchased it off ebay a few years ago from Derick Rand in the UK. He had used it in a sidecar outfit.


Steve Maney Racing in the US
A little bird has been pecking in my ear. There's a very good chance we'll see Steve on a bike in the USA again. This year.
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