Starter Ring Gear -- ISSUE

I’m afraid you may be right about this matter.
I’ll speak with my dealer again this weekend to see if my starter has arrived yet, so he can tell me no. :lol:
Then see if they can open the primary to check the ring gear.
BritTwit said:
I’m afraid you may be right about this matter.
I’ll speak with my dealer again this weekend to see if my starter has arrived yet, so he can tell me no. :lol:
Then see if they can open the primary to check the ring gear.

You have to remove the clutch basket to replace the starter so while it's off they can check it. ALSO< I'm making work instructions on how to do things. I'll share them when complete.. I just need to find a place to host PDF files so everyone can DL them.
richard-7 said:
BritTwit said:
I’m afraid you may be right about this matter.
I’ll speak with my dealer again this weekend to see if my starter has arrived yet, so he can tell me no. :lol:
Then see if they can open the primary to check the ring gear.

You have to remove the clutch basket to replace the starter so while it's off they can check it. ALSO< I'm making work instructions on how to do things. I'll share them when complete.. I just need to find a place to host PDF files so everyone can DL them.


Wow, that is really wonderful. I appreciate your assistance, and I'm sure everyone else on this forum does too.
You and your Dad have provided a great deal of information and help to all of us frustrated (lately) 961 owners.

I thought that only the primary cover had to be removed to get access on the starter retaining bolts. Does the clutch basket have to be removed also?

richard-7 said:
Yup, look at the pic I posted, you can see the starter bolts.

Sure enough.
The rear most starter bolt is blocked by the ring gear.
So now I'm beginning to understand why it's taking so long to get my starter replaced.
This obviously will require a lot of labor to complete.
Norton are probably not in a hurry to pay for this work under warrantee.

I mistakenly thought the primary cover just had to be pulled, then replaced.

BritTwit said:
richard-7 said:
Yup, look at the pic I posted, you can see the starter bolts.

Sure enough.
The rear most starter bolt is blocked by the ring gear.
So now I'm beginning to understand why it's taking so long to get my starter replaced.
This obviously will require a lot of labor to complete.
Norton are probably not in a hurry to pay for this work under warrantee.

I mistakenly thought the primary cover just had to be pulled, then replaced.


I was taking pictures and writing notes and it took us just over an hr and a half to remove everything including the clutch basket. So I bet the starter could be removed in an hr or less. My dad invented a bunch of tools to make it super easy to work on the bike. In the next week I'll be sharing the instructions. Just need to find the time to sit at the computer and finish it and then find a place to HOST my PDF's. It's almost there.
That's great to know, and will help me at the dealer.
I'm going to try and make a deal with him to hopefully get the bike back on the road ASAP.

Thanks again.
If you PM me your email I'll forward you the instructions when complete. I already finished the removal of the cover, just have to finish removing the basket. Then I just have to find a way to share it without me having to email everyone.
BritTwit said:

Removing the cover manual SENT!

Feel free to share it or post it to any website. I just need to find a place that will host PDF's so others can use it. Working on the next part now. Removing the Clutch basket, which leads to removing the starter.
Six weeks so far at GC for a starter? I'm sorry to hear it. Good luck with that. Hope its not a 4 month wait like I had. I had to go out a buy another bike during the wait. At least you have a few. I'm just waiting for the next fiasco.
Britfan60 Deja vu.

Yes, this looks to be another marathon Norton repair event. Luckily I do have other bikes to ride, but I do miss the 961's fun features.
Norton agreed to send a new starter. Then said it was shipped. Then distributor said norton shipped it. Then nothing ever arrrived, at the dealer, or the distributor. Quite a few calls later to Norton by dealer, and the status now has been revised to: it will ship.......... Long story short - the service folks at the dealer have no idea when my 961 will role out. They cringe when I show up to get the latest status on the bike.

The bigger shock came when I saw what work had to be done to replace the starter:
1. Remove the entire clutch basket because the ring gear obstructs the rear starter retaining bolt.
2. But you can't do this until you remove the balancer shaft dive gear, which obstructs the ring gear.
3. But you can't do that until you remove the alternator rotor because it obstructs the balancer drve gear.

So basically you have to disassemble the entire primary to remove the starter. WTF!

I'll keep you up to date on events as this saga continues.
And the cost of future repairs after the warranty runs out will be how much? I think we should be owed extended warranties. Really. I'm just waiting for the next one. I can deal with running to the dealer with problems. I can't deal with the extended wait and the BS stories. Get on the horn with Stuart Garner. Mark Pinfield helped me out. International Dealer Mngr.
Britfan60 said:
And the cost of future repairs after the warranty runs out will be how much? I think we should be owed extended warranties. Really. I'm just waiting for the next one. I can deal with running to the dealer with problems. I can't deal with the extended wait and the BS stories. Get on the horn with Stuart Garner. Mark Pinfield helped me out. International Dealer Mngr.

I believe Pinfield is who GC is talking to.
Anyway, I'll have to push a bit more today, if I hope to see the bike on the road anytime soon.
Memorial Day is a bust, but 4th of July is still a possibility. :lol:

Unfortunately my started crapped out on the way to the Quail Gathering of the Motorcycles a couple of weeks ago. Have to wait for a new one to make the trek across the pond. No estimate on time. Already been 2 weeks :(
Sorry to hear that dhartwig.
My bike has been at the dealer for 8 weeks waiting for a new starter.
There was a problem with the units sent to Norton by their supplier. Norton had to send them back.
My dealer received an email from Mark Pinfield on 5/20 to this effect.
Have heard nothing from either Norton, or Van Epps on this issue since.
Just a reminder that you should inspect your ring gear to prevent damage ---- especially if your bike is out of warranty. I have a FREE manual and you can get the tools from CNW and do it yourself. It's easy to check yourself. Once you have the tools and done it once you will be a pro and can check fiends bikes too and of course you can ride worry free knowing it's not loose. While in there, check your balance gear spring. Between the balance gear spring and the timing chain is where most of the engine noise is coming from. I have given you all the resources. If you have any questions just ask.

I am re posting this for all the new people to the forum. :D :D
Sorry to hear that dhartwig.
My bike has been at the dealer for 8 weeks waiting for a new starter.
There was a problem with the units sent to Norton by their supplier. Norton had to send them back.
My dealer received an email from Mark Pinfield on 5/20 to this effect.
Have heard nothing from either Norton, or Van Epps on this issue since.

Late reply but better late than never. We’ve noticed lately that some Nortons do not have a rubber o ring on the shaft on the engagement shaft in the starter which is for a car application where its dry and not in oil. Our bikes need the o-ring. Also, some and not all of the bikes are using sub par quality starters with soft gears. China copies. I’m sure Norton didnt know they were getting ripped off by their supplier. Anyhow, the starter is a Denso starter or modified dyna harley starter if you ever need parts. Hope this helps someone one day.