Source for oil filter housings

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Oct 28, 2009
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I recently installed a factory oil filter kit on my 1972 Commando.
But it got me thinking about adding an oil filter on some of my other bike: 1968 Bonneville, 1956 Gold Star, etc.
I would like to find a reasonably priced source for the oil filter housing only.
Has anybody found a source for these from a commercial/indurtrial supplier?
Buying it in a kit, or from a classic bike dealer seems to make them unaffordable, especially if you need to make up your own brackets, hoses, etc for a different bike.

Stephen Hill
I didn't think they were that bad, it's an odd size filter but at least it's standard now for my 2 old Triumphs and my Nort. Plus it's an easy adaption to your 68 Triumph right under the swingarm. I picked the shortest filter I could so it tucks up and out of the way. It's a damned good fit.

As I recall it was less than $30 for the adapter but that was several years ago when I retrofitted my 70 and 71 Triumphs.
+1 RGM. Even with shipping they're a good price, especially if you buy a couple.
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