Snow in Queensland Australia


Jul 11, 2010
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Well our winter has hit us the last day or two, a cold front come up from Victora and westly winds has the temps drop and last night snow hit parts of SE Queensland, this is very rare for us, even Toowoomba got slitty snow, Brisbane is not to bad but head west and over the ranges the temps have really dropped over night and get closer to the NSW boarder even colder, us Queenslanders aren't use to this cold, but hey it is winter.
Saturday I am heading west of Brisbane for the Winter Nats Drag racing with Top Fuelers and the night racers are the best times but it will be very cold but the action is great.

More proof of global cooling, Ashman. Meanwhile, here in Texas, on the topside of the globe, we are in our first summer without a day of 100F (38C) temperature.

An explanation of "our first summer". In Texas we have five seasons; spring, summer (first), super summer, summer (again), and fall. Any semblance of winter comes on a Thursday in January.

More proof of global cooling, Ashman. Meanwhile, here in Texas, on the topside of the globe, we are in our first summer without a day of 100F (38C) temperature.

An explanation of "our first summer". In Texas we have five seasons; spring, summer (first), super summer, summer (again), and fall. Any semblance of winter comes on a Thursday in January.


Slick that is very much like our weather here in Queensland out west it get to temp up and over 40c for months, but winter we only get slitty snow in areas south westen areas near the Boarder of QLD and NSW in high lands around Applethope, Stanthope and small towns around that area where the temps drop below 4c-, in our main city of Brisbane it only gets to about 6c in winter, its about a 2 hour drive to get to the areas where they get snow from Brisbane, today the winds have dropped and the temp is a bit warmer and no not enought to make a snow man out there its nomaly gone by the time the sun get up a bit higher.
What people do not realise is there is such a thing as latent heat of fusion of water. When ice melts, it takes heat from it's surrounds, and once it starts melting it continues to melt at temperatures below freezing point. That is the reason the spring thaw is the coldest time of the year in the northern hemisphere. As our ice caps melt they cause temperature gradients which give rise to extreme weather events.
Well its not to bad this morning about 7c at 7am heading out on the 1200 Thruxton in a hour time to meet up with another Triumph mate up the coast about a 1 hours ride then heading to Moore and Blackbutt for a good ride over the ranges using back roads should be a good day cloud free, love it this time of year, not boiling the brains from over heating from riding in hot weather lol and being mid week no traffic or cops to worry about.
Anyway got to get ready.

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It seems like only a minute ago we had 47 degree Celsius heat in Victoria. Now it is freezing.
Well todays ride was so good, clear blue skies, very little wind compared to yesterday, a perfect winters day, got home at 3pm and clocked up 360km, a tank and bit of fuel, the only down side 2 speed camera vans on the highway heading up the highway plus the usual fixed cameras, but only passed one cop car all day.
