silicon timing cover gasket

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Nov 26, 2009
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Quest for the oil tight Norton

I cut this out of 1/32" thick 90 hard silicon sheet (available from McMaster-Carr). Its important to use 90 hard because soft silicon squishes out too much. I cut it wider towards the inside just because it was easier. Taped an old gasket onto the sheet and used a hole punch and exacto knife. These work great and are reusable but to install it you run in a few screws to hold it in place, then you have to put silicon sealer on all the screw threads so they won't loosen (you can only tighten against silicone so much). Made another for my gearbox inspection cover. Also works for valve covers but you can buy those ready made (soft silicone unfortunately). No one markets the timing cover gaskets - you have to make them yourself.

silicon timing cover gasket

I provide silicone gaskets with my Joe Hunt magnetos (with special spacers so they compress the right amount).

silicon timing cover gasket
I have done this in the past on other projects. Also the method used on Some Aircraft gaskets.
To eliminate the squishing problem, eyelet the holes with a slightly thinner ring.
There is a company in town that will die cut gaskets at a reasonable cost.
The Cargo company I worked for had started to make their own gas tank cover gaskets,
as they were impossible to find new, and expensive when found.
Some material testing, and certification, and they can now sell them.
I should get the gasket company's info, they also supplied material.
Neato item to encourage following the factory manual's cam chain checking every 5000 miles. Did ya take into account the variation in oil pump nipple spacing sealing factor?
hobot said:
Neato item to encourage following the factory manual's cam chain checking every 5000 miles. Did ya take into account the variation in oil pump nipple spacing sealing factor?

The original paper gasket also measures 1/32" thick - same as the silicone.
Jim I see two combinations of gasket and nipple thickness sold by vendors to seal right and think only one combo has 1/32 gasket, but don't know, so reason mentioning to be set straight or which nipple to fit. I'll be getting two TS gaskets from you once I know, one for my plain Jane and another for you know who. Fancy colorful fork buses on the way, thanks.
hobot said:
Jim I see two combinations of gasket and nipple thickness sold by vendors to seal right and think only one combo has 1/32 gasket, but don't know, so reason mentioning to be set straight or which nipple to fit. I'll be getting two TS gaskets from you once I know, one for my plain Jane and another for you know who. Fancy colorful fork buses on the way, thanks.

I don't sell the silicone timing cover gaskets - this is just show and tell.
Oh I thot it was another item to market instead of just an alert to nice re-usable material. Someday I guess we'll just print out what we need at work or home.
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