Search for a RMA automatic cam chain tensionner

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Jan 17, 2020
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Hello you all,
I'm still looking for a spare shoe for my RMA automatic cam chain tensioner. Mine is 80K and provided very good service. Unfortunaly, RMA is no longer in business, but I would't be surprised that a tensionner is sleeping some where on a shelf. Please keep me posted. Many thanks
Post #12, you never know.

Hey Serg, I may have the slipper still laying around. Mine detonated and left the cam chain flopping in the breeze, tossed most of it in the bin. If I still have the parts, you can have ‘em.
Hey Serg, I may have the slipper still laying around. Mine detonated and left the cam chain flopping in the breeze, tossed most of it in the bin. If I still have the parts, you can have ‘em.
Thank you Interbak, Let me know If you ever find the shoe I"m lookink for.
IMHO, you're better off ditching it and getting yourself a decent IWIS chain from Andy or Comnoz
That and the Rubber Mk3 type chain tensioner is the simplest fix.
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