I am missing one set of these. The other three were in place. Anyone gone stainless and have these to get rid of let me know.
I recently found a very reasonably priced chromer that I plan to use. Check out his site at : vickermanschrome.com
Seaguy, are you missing the entire set of 8 end-plates for your bike, or simply one inner and outer? I probably have a spare inner and outer I can let you have if this helps.
Missing only one inner and outer. Wasn't on the bike when I bought it and when I started buying parts It didn't come in the order. British bike supply in canada I think it was. Said they would call.....still waiting.
If you send your mailing address to me at [email='chiuchowgum@hotmail.com]'chiuchowgum@hotmail.com[/email]' I will put a pair in the post to you this week.
I will try again Dave. No luck with a PM or email from my work place. Ah ha! Found the problem. I clicked on the address above and outlook opens with the address in "to" and will not let me delete anything in the line. Had to delete the whole line and type anew to get rid of the quotes. Hope you got it this time.
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