Roadster sidepanel dumb question

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Jun 28, 2009
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My 850 MkII/IIA has the MkIII style plastic (emissions regs) airbox, and the LH sidepanel is fastened by a Dzus through the lower rear of the panel, and into a lug on the battery case - i.e., not like in the parts book! ... 0%20uk.pdf
Illustration 6, page 11 shows the general arrangement (without the panel).
My problem is that I don't have the opposite panel (the oiltank cover). The question this the same as any other Roadster, or is it specific to the emissions regs bikes?

Does anyone have a spare hanging around? :wink:
Not to worry , the right sidecover is pretty generic to most , if not all of them . I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than I am will give the specifics but I think it's primarily the MKII and MKIII left covers that are unique due to the big airbox .
All steel oil tank side panels are the same. The early 'glass ones for the central mount oil tank on the 'S' and '70 roadster are slightly different in shape and mounting. The '71 'glass panel is the same shape as the steel.

The steel oil tank panel is much easier to find than the battery side! Unfortunately, I have a couple sets of panels but no singles.
B+Bogus said:
My 850 MkII/IIA has the MkIII style plastic (emissions regs) airbox, and the LH sidepanel is fastened by a Dzus through the lower rear of the panel, and into a lug on the battery case - i.e., not like in the parts book!

There was no official parts book issued for the 850 MkII/IIA models (as far as I know) however, the factory did release a supplement parts list (065988) to be used in conjunction with the 850 MkI book, and you will find that the supplement does list all the alternative A model parts: "065988"
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