Right hand mirror

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Jan 20, 2011
Does any body have a photo of the Disc brake reservior/hand piece or can you tell me
how the mirror is originally mounted on the right hand side.
I only have one mirror at the moment, which is not legal here in S.A., a bar end, but would like to fit a nicer pair.
I have a mounting hole in the clutch side bracket, but nothing in the brake side.
Does the mirror usually bolt into the lever hole.? or did the 72s only come with one mirror.???
AussieCombat said:
Does any body have a photo of the Disc brake reservior/hand piece or can you tell me
how the mirror is originally mounted on the right hand side.
I only have one mirror at the moment, which is not legal here in S.A., a bar end, but would like to fit a nicer pair.
I have a mounting hole in the clutch side bracket, but nothing in the brake side.
Does the mirror usually bolt into the lever hole.? or did the 72s only come with one mirror.???

The 850 and the MK3 master cylinders have a mirror mounting lug where the early 750 master cylinder does not have the mounting lug.
this is mine aussie

Right hand mirror
Hey AC

i made up new 3/8" mirror stem with turned down end to 1/4" re-tapped and fitted in brake lever pivot hole. tighten enough as not to impede on lever action. sits there just fine.
Right hand mirror

Right hand mirror
I do mine like T.H. but warn ya not to over tighten or restricts lever return or full function. I hang my mirrors below the bars not on top for both better viewing by pilot behind and by on lookers at more cafe lowness profile. You do have to use short stem mirrors and align so don't foul hands or tank.
TH, Where did you get those metal h/bar clips holding the switch block wiring in situ?

They look so much better than a cable tie!

Many thanks
Almost all BI vendors have version of these but the only ones I saw/have are more zint galvanized finish not polished chrome. Harley as Norton's closest cousins have similar.
Thanks T.H. I thought as much, just wanted to see one in the flesh.
I didn't want to get rid of the Reservior if I could help it as it has had the modification
to help with the Grimeca brake.
As usuall on this forum,........Seek and yee shall find, ask and you will get told.
Thanks guys.
I have made my own mirror bracket which consists of a steel tube made by turning a suitable hole in a 35mm-long steel bar, 15mm diameter. The hole is the right size to accept a thread for the mirror - 10 mm thread I seem to remember. I turned the hole until about 3mm from the bottom and for this last 3 mm I used a smaller drill and bored a hole to accept an allen bolt of the appropriate size for the brake lever pivot point, I had to then turn down the head of this allen bolt to fit inside the tube. I then filed a flat on the upper end of the mirror mount and welded a piece of flat bar to it and drilled two holes to mount it through the casting with the screws that hold the controls on the back, these are Whitworth thread and I was able to get Allen screws of the correct length and then have everything chromed. This probably sounds like a bit of a palaver, however I made a few as it is just as easy to duplicate when the lathe is already set up for it. I will try to post a couple of photos of this arrangement, It takes a bit of the strain off both mirror and pivot point that simply turning down the end of the mirror provokes,
This is what I had to do some years ago on my 72 Combat where the master cylinder body didn't have the mirror thread hole at that time. Used a chrome strap and attached the mirror stud and compressed to handlebar. However, I like the other post using the mirror stud as the pivot bolt on the master cylinder body.

Right hand mirror
crusadersports said:
TH, Where did you get those metal h/bar clips holding the switch block wiring in situ?

They look so much better than a cable tie!

Many thanks

they are standard Early Triumph Bonneville part available at my local Triumph dealer, or as Hobot said are available on ebay but are zinc coated, a bit narrower and not quite as good quality.
Guido said:
travelerjerry said:

What is that throttle setup? Some kind of cruise control?

Guido. Yes, cruise control. Makes it easy on my 58 year old right hand on those long rides. They are still available but not in chrome unless you find an older one. Guess there is another type which I think is better that goes inside the handlebar end. Do a search in this Forum on Cruise Control.
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