RH4/ 32mm manifolds

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Jerry Doe

May 21, 2003
Hi All,

I am gradually getting my mk3 parts organized. It's going to take a while as so much is missing. I searched the forum, but could not find the answer to my question:

I have an RH4 head (32mm inlets). I think the person I got the bike from purchased the carbs/manifolds on ebay (he lost many parts to some third party who failed to rebuild). The carbs are trash/rubbish. I was hoping to use the manifolds. They are 32MM at the carb end and 30MM at the head end. If I have a RH4 32MM head should they not be 32MM at each end?

Anyone know, cheers
I have a pair that I don't need. I don't know what model they are off if it makes a difference. They are 32-32mm and the flanges seem undistorted.

Send me a PM and they're yours.
Mmm ... I think I've got a set too; that came off of a 1973 RH4 head. Jerry can have them if pommie john's somehow don't work. Cheers.
It would be a good experiment top try the funneled manifold as well and the open bore kind and see if ya can tell us what ya felt.
Sending P.M. Jerry. There just may be a spare set right in your own Zip code.
Jerry, Jim over at JS motorsports supplies those PWK's with brand new manifolds,,,Hint hint :) Cj
Not my business but isn't shipping from Australia expensive? Nice gesture pommie but wouldn't it make more sense to follow one of the other more local leads?
RennieK said:
Not my business but isn't shipping from Australia expensive? Nice gesture pommie but wouldn't it make more sense to follow one of the other more local leads?

Nah, they don't weigh much. It was $10 au and they're on their way to Californ-i-a
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