remove components for tri-spark ignition.

Jul 31, 2009
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I'm installing tri-spark ignition with CNW single coil conversion. Removing ballast resister, capacitor, zener diode,
condenser pack and warning light assimilator. Can I dead end all connectors or will I be leaving an open circuit somewhere?
I would just shrink wrap over them. Thanks, Gary
Removing ballast resister, capacitor, zener diode,
condenser pack and warning light assimilator.

The 2MC capacitor, Zener diode and warning light assimilator are not part of the ignition system. If you remove the Zener (and rectifier) then you will need to fit a regulator/rectifier unless that's also what you intend to do but so far, you have only mentioned installing the Tri-Spark ignition (and CNW single coil).

Can I dead end all connectors or will I be leaving an open circuit somewhere? I would just shrink wrap over them.

Yes, shrink tube or tape the loose connectors.
There is a PDF on Tri-Spark website regarding the excess electrical noise from some Podtronics reg/rec's that can affect the Trispark EI. They have a coil/choke supressor you can add if you want ot use the podtronic RR with a Trispark EI. Or they can sell you the TriSpark RR which is a MOSFET type and have very low noise.
I believe that issue with is with the single phase.
He has a 3 phase.
I found I needed to make a jumper between the two brown/blue leads on the capacitator when I removed it. While not a part of the ignition wiring it does need to be done to get power from battery negative to the ignition switch.