Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles.

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Nov 20, 2012
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How many miles on a charged battery with 750 when your regulator rectifier goes up in smoke and running a Boyer. Been told 200 but I think nearer 120 to 150. What would you think could be acheaved with pazon sure fire.

Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

So how many miles as a total loss system running off a fresh battery?
Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

auldblue said:
How many miles on a charged battery with 750 when your regulator rectifier goes up in smoke and running a Boyer. Been told 200 but I think nearer 120 to 150. What would you think could be acheaved with pazon sure fire.


Well, if you can tell me the AH rating of you battery in it's present condition, [the capacity goes down with age and changes with temperature]

And the impedance of your ignition coil

And the RPM and gearing [currant draw changes with rpm]

Use of the brake light and bulb type.

Then I could probably get close.

Otherwise at least 50 miles & Bring your cellphone. :D Jim
Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

As Jim mentioned, lot's of variables. I have however helped limp other bikes with failed charging systems home by swapping batteries from a bike with a functioning charging system (mine). 250 miles with no troubles. Repeat as needed.
Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles


Battery six month old mbtx12u motobat AGM

6 volt coils by NOC probably wassel t/a Lucas

21 tooth sprocket and never above 4000 rpm

Brake light bog standard

Temp 12 to 14 deg.

Tried Cell phone but the Automobile association were going to take 2 1/2 hours.

I was just wondering if the pazon would give more miles to charge if so I might swap the old Boyer for a new pazon.

It was Laurence at RGM that it had been suggested to him by a customer with a similar problem that 200 miles could be achieved. By the way Laurence was a star man, part waiting when I got home!

Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

I've gone 140 miles with a bad alternator on a Honda VTR250 where you couldn't turn off the headlights. It could have bren charging a little though.

With a little luck, no headlight, and a fresh battery 200 miles seems possible. I use a regular lead acid battery, I don't know if an AGM battery would do better or worse.

If you had a buddy with a Norton to ride with you and you stopped every fifty miles to swap batteries you could do almost unlimited miles.
Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

auldblue said:

Battery six month old mbtx12u motobat AGM

6 volt coils by NOC probably wassel t/a Lucas

21 tooth sprocket and never above 4000 rpm

Brake light bog standard

Temp 12 to 14 deg.

Tried Cell phone but the Automobile association were going to take 2 1/2 hours.

I was just wondering if the pazon would give more miles to charge if so I might swap the old Boyer for a new pazon.

It was Laurence at RGM that it had been suggested to him by a customer with a similar problem that 200 miles could be achieved. By the way Laurence was a star man, part waiting when I got home!


The old Boyer and the standard Pazon would have very close to same current draw as they have a very similar method of operation. Jim
Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

Ta for that Jim.

I'll contact Boyer and pazon and get some info from them although Pazon says theirs will work down to 8 volts.

Cheers for the comments Eric , probably a bird with a van would suit me better!!

Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

I had a charging system failure on the Commando a few years ago. With a Boyer ignition the engine speed varied when I used the direction blinkers - the blinker load on the battery changed its voltage which in turn changed the Boyer's timing. The failure was one of the diodes in the bridge rectifier, so it was still charging partially. Even so, I consider myself lucky to have limped home the 10 miles I was out.

Battery current for ignition only with an analog Boyer is about 1 amp at 3000 RPM (I've measured it). I think the brake light with an 1157 bulb is about 27 watts so if you find yourself with an alternator failure you'll get more miles if you pull the wires off your brake light switches. And don't use the blinkers...
Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

maylar said:
I had a charging system failure on the Commando a few years ago. With a Boyer ignition the engine speed varied when I used the direction blinkers - the blinker load on the battery changed its voltage which in turn changed the Boyer's timing. The failure was one of the diodes in the bridge rectifier, so it was still charging partially. Even so, I consider myself lucky to have limped home the 10 miles I was out.

Battery current for ignition only with an analog Boyer is about 1 amp at 3000 RPM (I've measured it). I think the brake light with an 1157 bulb is about 27 watts so if you find yourself with an alternator failure you'll get more miles if you pull the wires off your brake light switches. And don't use the blinkers...

Got a reply from Boyer they say it is a 2 amp draw and if you don't use the brake light you can expect about an hours running and recommended a power box.

I know I did about 2 1/2 hours so I reckon Boyers one hour was a guestemates. I have not had any reply from Pazon. So here's to the next time I'm left on total loss.

Re: Rectifier/regulator fry up ,how many battery,Boyer miles

Just received a reply from Pazon they recon their sure fire draws 2+amps and you should get around six hours riding depending on revs, battery condition etc.

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