I recently buttoned up my 14 month long 75 MKIII project and was able to put in a few rides with no problems, with the exception of minor tuning of the carbs and clutch cable. I heard that I needed to turn off my petcocks after every ride, which I thought was pretty odd, but either way, I have done this if I turned her off for any long periods of time. Anyway, on Sunday I met friends for lunch about 15 miles from home and parked for two hours and when I walked back I noticed that I had not turned off the fuel. I looked and didn’t see fuel leaking nor did I smell gas, so I figured my float needle seats worked fine and I could get away with a few hours of not having to turn off the petcocks. As it turns out, in the morning when I walked into the garage, I could smell gas (not much, but still a bit) so I looked around for leaks on the floor, but nothing, then realized maybe gas did indeed seep into the motor. I pulled off the seat and checked the oil and it was the same level as before, but it had a hint of gas smell. My questions is, is this normal and should I just live with it, or can I:
1. polish the seats as I have read on here (if so what is the best way? Pencil?)
2. just buy new bowls with seats included n bolt em up? $42 each.
3. Drain oil, replace and just shut off fuel? Did I cause harm to the motor with this little amount of fuel in the oil and the distance that I rode?
4. Stop whining?
Thank you,
1. polish the seats as I have read on here (if so what is the best way? Pencil?)
2. just buy new bowls with seats included n bolt em up? $42 each.
3. Drain oil, replace and just shut off fuel? Did I cause harm to the motor with this little amount of fuel in the oil and the distance that I rode?
4. Stop whining?

Thank you,