Rear master cylinder special

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Jan 21, 2008
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I am in need of a small rear master cylinder. Remote / one piece brake fluid pot. Dont mind just small / neat. I am sure someone will know.
Hi Kommando
Not worried about the bore size. I need a rear brake for the mot & to be honest I have a heavy foot so not looking for the ultimate stopper. Thanks
Small and with a remote reservoir, I doubt there is anything more compact than a Brembo and common on many Ducati's so not to expensive used.

Rear master cylinder special
The Brembo part shown is very similar to the rear master used on a wide range of Japanese bikes from the '70s onwards. Lots of Yamahas some Kawasakis.

I have something similar on the Fury. 13mm or 1/2" bore, 5/8" or 15.8mm also available.

For under £20 there are plenty of used or Chinese/Taiwanese copies of the Japanese cylinder on ebay. I got one last year for £11 plus postage.

Repair kits for used come in at about£30!

This one is R6, but also R1s and more going back to the '70s

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Brembo stuff is way cheaper than the AP stuff....

Master cylinders (

Some of that stuff is repro made in the far east, I won't knock it because I have a PS12 front master like that on my Rickman, I paid a fair bit less (£115) but collected from a Guzzi guy in Arundel, not too far from Chris. Brembo and repro prices do not include lever or lever fitting hardware, whereas most other, makes do. The guy is on ebay and I bought in Sept 2018, my last visit to the UK.


If you can live with a 14mm front master you can get a good repro CB550 one from David Silver for about £50. I have raced with one of those since 2015 but wanted to try the smaller bore and have to say it is better with the AP 2 piston race caliper.

Brembo can be odd though, you imagine the part number includes the bore size, and sometimes it does, but a PS12 can equally be 12.7mm (1/2")!
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Hi Jan I have a brake pedal 90% 12 oclock brake arm 9 oclock pedal left hand side. The m/cylinder I have is a push one. Wrong direction but I can have a new one brake pedal made to suit what's required.
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Nissin 1/2" is also very common.
You don't need a reservoir, 20 cm of tube holds plenty of fluid.
Less clutter, less weight.
For the rear brake, I use DOT 5.
DOT 4 'sweats' trough crystal tube.
The same Brembo with a Nissin. (TL1000S fitment)

Rear master cylinder special

There were plenty of Brembo M/C with the pivoted actuating arm for pull to compress but they might be pricy these days.
Nissin 1/2" is also very common.
You don't need a reservoir, 20 cm of tube holds plenty of fluid.
Less clutter, less weight.
For the rear brake, I use DOT 5.
DOT 4 'sweats' trough crystal tube.

So that is why my expensive 6" of tube (Honda kit) went all murky!

Better get some Dot 5 and some new tube!
So that is why my expensive 6" of tube (Honda kit) went all murky!

Better get some Dot 5 and some new tube!
If you switch from DOT4 to DOT5 you must first completely dismantle and clean all components.
But you knew that..
If you switch from DOT4 to DOT5 you must first completely dismantle and clean all components.
But you knew that..
Yes I did thanks, and I also know that it has been about the worst brake I have ever had to bleed, which is why I have bought more than one replacement master cylinder for it, and rebuilt the caliper, fitted a bleed nipple repair kit, a new brake hose and bled the set up off the bike, caliper high!

So I probably won't do it in a hurry! But it does look naff and defeats the hope of being able to see fluid level at a glance!

I have a car here that has had silicon fluid in it since 1982! In that time it has probably saved me a couple of master cylinder and several complete wheel caliper rebuilds!

Greater compressibility has never bothered me either, and it won't on the rear of a race is only likely to get used if the front has already failed!
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