A friend who is a long time bike restorer told me he has been using a Poly Sulfide two part tank sealer on metal tanks for many many years with no failures so far. He buys the stuff in bulk from some industrial supply place & as directed by a chemist he thins it with MEK. It cures at 77 degrees for 10-14 days and then is a coal black thin elastomeric coating that in all our tests has not been afected by modern gas. I just noticed that it is sold in the "Aircraft Spruce" catolog and called "Pro-Seal" PE-1776M. We sprayed a plastic dish with teflon form release, poured some in let it cure & it penetrated the form release & stuck to the plastic dish so good we could allmost not get it out!! This leads me to think it will seal & stick to fiberglass very well. It won't crack because it stays flexable & SO FAR, not been harmed by gas. The bikes my friend has used it on are in many places around the world. Just wondering if anyone has heard of it???