Here's a pic of one I got with my Apr 69 S that I bought in Apr 72. I assume it's original, but I don't have them mounted as they leak and as I can tell there's no way to mount it so the lever is always to the outside. There's no room for even a thin nut to use for that.
I got some from clubman that look sort of original but shinier and they have rubber parts inside, but so far no problems.
Yes, use new ones. You can use two reserve type taps. I have mounted a reserve tap on the left side and a normal tap with a piece of tube on the right side. I only open up the right tap when I ride. When I run out of fuel I open the left one. I noticed there is still much fuel in the right side of the tank which can't be drained because of that tube. So I guess I will remove it and get some extra miles. The fuel does not flow across the “ backbone“ of the tank.
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