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- Aug 14, 2009
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Got a little problem: i have a pazon smartfire ignition.
Recently i put a new points seal into the timing cover.
Put the ignition rotor back on the camshaft, didn`t tighten it enough so that it stuck a little further out as it should – was not fully seated on the camshaft.
The rotor was sliding on the hall effect sensor on the inside of the triggerplate and broke it.
My system was the PDT2 triggerplate with a connectorblock for 4 cables
[white-red, violet-red, white-black, yellow-green] and the rotor was a disc with 2 holes.
Picture below: old triggerplate PDT2 and old rotor:
NOW here is my problem: I ordered a new triggerplate…..and this one is the new system from pazon:
- The new triggerplate is different [now called PDT20]:
Connector block for 3 cables [w-r, v-r, w-b], thicker plate,
hall effect sensor sits on the outside [pointing to the points cover]
and has a big hole so that
- the new rotor goes through.
The new system [picture below!] is for sure an improvement to the old one, and i like it more!
BUT: what shall i do with the 4.cable, the yellow-green one?
As i understand it:
the yellow-green cable is earth….and the new ignition module don`t has the cable to the triggerplate – but i got the old module which has a 4.cable to the triggerplate!
So: just place insulating tape around the yellow-green cable and leave it alone
or connect it somewhere to earth?
But where if this is the case?!?!?!?!
Wrote to pazon but didn`t get an answer right now!
Maybe someone got the same problem and may could help me….
Have a nice day, chris
Got a little problem: i have a pazon smartfire ignition.
Recently i put a new points seal into the timing cover.
Put the ignition rotor back on the camshaft, didn`t tighten it enough so that it stuck a little further out as it should – was not fully seated on the camshaft.
The rotor was sliding on the hall effect sensor on the inside of the triggerplate and broke it.
My system was the PDT2 triggerplate with a connectorblock for 4 cables
[white-red, violet-red, white-black, yellow-green] and the rotor was a disc with 2 holes.
Picture below: old triggerplate PDT2 and old rotor:
NOW here is my problem: I ordered a new triggerplate…..and this one is the new system from pazon:
- The new triggerplate is different [now called PDT20]:
Connector block for 3 cables [w-r, v-r, w-b], thicker plate,
hall effect sensor sits on the outside [pointing to the points cover]
and has a big hole so that
- the new rotor goes through.
The new system [picture below!] is for sure an improvement to the old one, and i like it more!
BUT: what shall i do with the 4.cable, the yellow-green one?
As i understand it:
the yellow-green cable is earth….and the new ignition module don`t has the cable to the triggerplate – but i got the old module which has a 4.cable to the triggerplate!
So: just place insulating tape around the yellow-green cable and leave it alone
or connect it somewhere to earth?
But where if this is the case?!?!?!?!
Wrote to pazon but didn`t get an answer right now!
Maybe someone got the same problem and may could help me….
Have a nice day, chris