Old Britts PowerArc - Timing and Primary Gauge readings?

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Mar 11, 2022
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1972 -750 Commando -I've set my Old Britts PowerArc as per instructions using TDC and indicator light on. When at TDC the timing gauge in the Primary is showing approximately 8-10 degrees BTDC. Is this correct? Bike takes a few really big kicks to get it started and it pops a few times before finally starting. I've strobed the timing when in the idle range ( 800-1,000rpm) and the timing is reading 30 - 32 degrees BTDC. At 3600 rpm I'm reading in the 36 - 38 degree range.
Everything seems too high to me but others probably know better. Should I reset the Old Britts wheel closer to 0 degrees on the timing gauge? Of couse this would set the wheel well past TDC . Thanks for any help
The Power Arc is not so good about kick starting. With a starter motor it fires right off. Expect trouble trying to start. Full advance should be about 31 or 32 degrees.
Using a degree wheel, check that your timing marks are correct. It sounds like the gauge might have been bumped.
Thanks franko, I did change the gauge recently but when I looked at it, it seems that if it was totally bent to one side I still won't be able to put it out by 8-10 degrees. A gauge that looks normal but is slightly bent might put it out by 2 or 3 degrees max. Do you think the PowerArc could malfunction and be "stuck" in the full advance position?
From the thread: Using a dial indicator to set timing.
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Yesterday at 3:36 PM
"Several reports of timing scales being off anywhere from half a degree to 3 or 4 degrees. If any doubt, you should check your via a degree wheel and a piston stop to determine true TDC (rotate one way til contacting stop, noting wheel number, then rotating other way til stopped and taking that wheel number, dividing the two reading difference to be true TDC; place wheel zero at that pointer location), then set to your desired advanced position, remove wheel, fit primary cover without disturbing crank, and see what scale indicates. Mine was out reading is about half a degree further advanced than reality.:

I'm cheap. It would not cost much to check if the timing marks are off for some reason.
I don't know anything about the Power Arc, but if you were to buy a New Ignition system,and the marks were off, you would be having the same problems with it that you are having now and would have spent quite a sum.
I hope this helps
I would set the full advance at what is recommended and use it. Expect starting problems...multiple kicks to get it going. It needs 2 full revolutions to set itself and spark which is difficult to do by kicking.
According to what I was told and read when I installed mine, the Power Arc unit has to "see" TDC one time when starting to get timing correct. I had issues with kick back, especially on cold starts, and Old Britts had a cure for it but I never bothered to send it back. Instead I just turn the key on and kick it through several revolutions before priming the carbs and choking and I never get kickback now. On the rare occasions when it does it hot I just turn the key off kick it through once and turn the key back on. Mine has been absolutely trouble free for 6 or 7 years now.
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