Norvil reversed lever rearsets / RGM folding kickstart combo?

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Jul 17, 2015
I'm looking to get a good economically priced rear set kit to go on my '72 Roadster rebuild that would be compatible with the RGM folding extended kick start lever I already have. I'm considering the Norvil 069512 rear set kit for reversed lever and (I think) their 063944 reversed lever "cranked at 45 degrees". I've written Norvil to see if that is actually the lever I should be looking at. My question here is if anyone is using the above combination and knows if they work well together. Thank you.


  • Norvil reversed lever rearsets / RGM folding kickstart combo?
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  • Norvil reversed lever rearsets / RGM folding kickstart combo?
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I have exactly this set up on two of my Commandos. You need to be a little careful when setting up the angle of the gear shift lever, otherwise you can inadvertently kick it into gear when kick starting. Once this is sorted, the combo works very well.
Purchased a RGM folding KS a couple of months ago. First kick twisted the pivot block. Seems that RGM received some blocks that had not received proper heat treatment. RGM sent a replacement block immediately. All good.
All I can say is that if you have a TTI box and the 45 degree lever and the swing out kicker it is really too
tight a fit to use.
I went to the 45 lever with a late model stock AN kicker set back a bit.
Like others I find the reverse lever less successful than a proper rod type rear set.
Sorry, I'm not familiar with what a TTI box is. All my s/n's are matching, with a "Y" following the the gear box number, if that means anything.


  • Norvil reversed lever rearsets / RGM folding kickstart combo?
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I use a Norvil cranked gear lever with Dunstall rearsets, and it works well in my case. The only thing I noticed was that using the stock gear lever rubber gave the gear change a somewhat vague feel due to where my foot was contacting it. I replaced that rubber with a piece of black rubber tubing (3/8" fuel line) and it works better for me. The stock kickstart does come perilously close to it. But, I've fitted an CNW starter, so that is a moot point for me.
Purchased a RGM folding KS a couple of months ago. First kick twisted the pivot block. Seems that RGM received some blocks that had not received proper heat treatment. RGM sent a replacement block immediately. All good.

I got a response from them overnight with that explanation.

sorry about that, trouble is we where getting low so commissioned a new batch as we were low they sent us some to keep us going and we did what we do and sent them for chroming, seems they did not complete the heat treatment properly and some got out into the world before we found out, yours must be one of them. Its a bit ago now but as you, lots of people take years over the builds. We have it all properly sorted now and will send you a replacement, FOC.
Roger says it is on its way now. So, sweet.
FWIW, I have one that I presume was hardened correctly cos even starting mine at 850cc and 10.5:1 CR has not worried the kickstart knuckle at all.
So, so long as Roger swaps it for you, you should be fine.
I heard right back from Roger at RGM and was told they couldn't tell exactly which levers were assembled with one of the soft parts. But there is no time limit for replacement if you discover you have one, and all they would require is a photo and your purchase info. Sounds reasonable.
I just heard back from Norvil confirming that their p/n 069512 rearset kit and their p/n 063944 reverse gear lever will work with RGM folding kick-start lever.
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