Norton/Dunstall parts information

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May 15, 2022
I was wondering if anyone could help me identify what I have here and maybe also what is missing? These are some Dunstall parts that I came across in the mixture of pieces that I recently purchased. Any help on what all is here vs what might be missing and what bike they belong on would be greatly appreciated. I am obviously new here and I do not own a Norton. Thanks in advance! For some reason I can't embed the photos so I am attaching the link
You have a set of rear set shifters for a Japanese bike, but missing a lot of the attachment pieces. See here

You have a set of clip-on bars, measuring the diameter of the mounting tube would help tell what it would fit.

There is a set of triple trees, but w/out the serial number it is hard to tell for what.

The two chromed parts with the tubes are Commando front engine mounts.

The screened items are carb velocity stacks, again the diameter will tell what they would fit.
Thank you very much! I was in hopes it was all Norton, but I couldn't find any identical looking Dunstall shift setups so being a japanese bike would make sense. I will keep looking for the attachment pieces in the stuff I have.
gortnipper would you be able to look at this new album of photos to try to help me group these items (not sure that the brackets even go with any of them). I was wondering if you could tell me like 1,4,7 go together and 2,3,5,8 go together etc.... I am just trying to figure out how to group these items to put them up for sale so someone would get the most complete set possible. I know I have 3 different things going on here, there is the Honda CB750 Dunstall rearsets (that u helped me identify, didn't know if u thought any of the bracket sets might look like they would go with those), there is a set of Tarozzi rearsets (didn't know if any of those brackets might go to those), and finally there is a set of original nortons here I believe. I also didn't know what 5 and 6 are... Sorry for all the questions!!
I'm, not Gort, but here goes.

9, 10 are stock MK3 foot rests
1 is MK3 brake pedal.
5 is Norton Kicker, possible MK3.
6 looks like Norton/Dunstall shifter and peg, right side, pre MK3
7,8 stock Norton muffler/pass peg mounts
3,4 chrome/stainless Norton muffler/pass peg mounts
12 if aluminum, possible MK3 shifter

FYI, MK3 is left side shift, all others are right side shift.
2. is a pair of Tarozzi type rearset levers. Nice.

3. is for the Mk2 peashooter muffler/footpeg mounts
4. is a partial kit for a Mk3 - looks like you are missing one plate.
8, 9 is a mk3 muffler mount set.

Make sure you look at


to see that the plates are matched up correctly for each model

5 is a mk3 kick start lever.

6 is a pre-mk3 shifter shifter lever

Yes, 12 looks like a mk3 gear shifter

My guess from all these pics together is you have someone's attempt at cobbling together a set of mk3 rear sets?

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