Norton 750 engine plates-Seeley frame

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Jan 19, 2012
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Hi Lads,

Have a frame made in 71 its similar to Seeley mk2 but is not made by Colin, does anyone have a set of drawings / Specs to install a Norton commando 71/72 engine and gearbox into a seeley frame that I can have a copy to make up a set to suit/modify.
Thanks in advance
You are probably better off making and marking up a board template based on the actual dimensions between the frame holes. There's also some less conventional things you can do to move motor mass further forward if you are really into it.
My frame is a Seeley Mk3. I simply sat the engine and gearbox where they need to be and got busy with the scissors and cardboard. Then cut the plates out of 8mm aluminium using a jigsaw. The motor is as far forward as possible and the gearbox main-shaft centre is about 5mm lower than the line between the axle and the pivot

Back on the Nortons BBM? haha I've just finished the triple project (first build!)
I have a set of drawings, give me a week & I will dig them out. Send me your address.

All the best Chris
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