Nice Dominator SS write up in NZ bike mag

Nov 6, 2015
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Friend of mine picked up the No. 2 Dominator SS direct from the factory late last year. Thanks to some pretty cool connections in the aviation industry he was able to arrange a Spitfire for the mag to shoot the bike with - I was lucky enough to be invited and we got a few shots with both bikes (it was getting a service the day I was there). Here's the cover and a few shots. Needless to say they loved the bike and the review was very good.

Nice Dominator SS write up in NZ bike mag

Nice Dominator SS write up in NZ bike mag

Nice Dominator SS write up in NZ bike mag

Nice Dominator SS write up in NZ bike mag
Interesting for me on two counts:

Firstly, when I collected my bike from the factory today I had a good tour around with Clem. I spent quite a bit of time ogling some Dominators. They really do look awesome, especially the Naked version, I can’t think of anything made by anyone else that comes close. Very tempting!

Secondly, as I drove past the airport and hangers on the way to the factory, it reminded me of a time, probably in around 1974 or 5 (not really sure) when my Dad and Grandad took me to a hanger there, to see, sit in and listen to, a recently fully restored Spitfire! I was awestruck...
I just realised once again what makes motorcycling so special compared to car driving: with the leaning angle you have one more dimension...
Same with flying, but obviously here the 3rd dimension is a bit more protruding!