New wiring harness. PVC or cloth covered?

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johnny Lagdon

Nov 18, 2016
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I see new Lucas wiring harnesses (specifically MK3 850) are cloth covered, and some new ones on market including AN, are PVC covered, as I seem to remember MK3 originally had.
Any pro's or Con's for each? opinions?
I like the PVC covered ones, then you can easily pull out all the wires that are superfluous to your needs.

Assuming you have electronic ignition and a modern reg/rec there are lots of wires that are not needed. Removing them now makes it easier to troubleshoot in the future.

Zener x 2
Ballast Resistor
I would also suggest replacing the standard assimilator for a charge warning light.

Rivet counters would disagree with the idea.
Watch out for the Poly Vinyl Chloride covering....and the modern-day insulation used to cover/insulate the wiring itself.
One of the additives used in the insulation covering and the wire insulation is Soy Oil.

Mice love the flavor of the covering will chew down the insulation to bare wire......and those nasty little f@#&*!s will chew a new harness through in days. I had to install a new wiring harness in a Honda ATV circa 2015. I could not figure out why fuses kept blowing until I discovered the invasion.
Replacement of the harness is very very expensive, as in 4 figures expensive.

They completely destroyed the harness in less than 4 months from date of purchase.
The wretched little vermin didn't touch the other ATV from 2003.
The wire manufacturer started using Soy Oil in the composition of the wire insulation and harness covering around 2007 or later, it's cheaper...and the vermin flock to it.

All it takes is one of the little c*&^%$@+#$s.

I got a tip from the manager of the ATV shop where both bikes were purchased and are serviced about how to at least partially repel the little SOB's.

We use these bikes for transport chores/work in the winter and a variety of other needs. Once parked back in the equipment shed the mice seek them out for the warm engine and while there, smell out the Soy Oil in the insulation and start chewing.
Once they figure out they like the insulation they will set up shop any time of year, not just winter, building multiple nests within the interior of the ATV.
You have to fill every nook and cranny with STAINLESS steel wool. They hate the stuff, can't chew through it. Then cram dryer sheets in all the interior openings. Not just any dryer sheet either....has to be Bounce brand.
It works too, but regular renewal of the bounce sheets is required.

This safeguard in addition to a feral cat and a couple of black snakes (caught while turkey hunting) released in the shed has helped to deter the "mice destroy the harness" issue....for the last year of so anyway. The snakes really put a dent in the population thankfully.

I park my Norton in the shop periodically and have taken the "Bounce" precaution because of the new wiring harness installed last year...why take a chance.

If you have ever had any sort of invasion from one mouse or their whole little gang they can really wreak havoc.

So, I vote cloth.
The insulation on the wires is likely PVC also, so you may not be much safer with the cloth cover. Not all PVC uses epoxidized soybean oil as a plasticizer. As phthalate plasticizers were eliminated, some formulations replaced them with ESO, particularly in the far east.
there is better product out there now. TXL coated copper, i have not seen it used in the premade harnesses, but the txl is crosslinked polyethylene coating which is really tough and what the auto makers are now using in their engine compartments. liquid and heat resistant. i use it to custom make my own wiring harness, my current source is "the wire barn ( i have no affiliation with the company, just a happy customer...
It's a shame you can't get it in the factory colors. I like to make my harnesses to the original wiring diagrams so any troubleshooting is easier. British Wiring supply the factory colors, but it is PVC insulation. I don't know if their PVC insulation uses ESO plasticizer.
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