I am interested in one of these kits.
A chap I know near me mentioned them, but he was unable to get any further details for me, so I thought I would try here myself. I really would like to know exactly what I would be paying for.
I am wondering if it can be confirmed that the issue of the machining at the bottom of the leg has been addressed?
I also noticed in one of the threads there was a picture of the rotor, and the brake pads did not seem to have left a line on the outer diameter, almost as if they were either very close to the edge, or possibly even slightly over it. is there a pic showing their actual proximity to the rotor edge? I got caught out many years ago with an issue like this, and although I assume all is good here, I would like to know for certain first.
When I bought my bike, i had to replace the braided line that was on it, as it did not meet safety cert standards in Australia. Is the line that comes in the kit "safety cert" compatible? I would not want to end up the other way again.
Thanks very much, I look forward to improved braking.