Need help / advice for rocker spindle removal

May 6, 2010
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Atlas head, and one of the rocker spindles won't come out. I bought a spindle remover from Commando Specialties and the spindle wouldn't come out, so it stripped the tool.
I've been spraying PB Blaster on it twice a day for weeks now. Heated it up, but it still won't budge. It initially came out about 1/8", but has since refused to move.
Any suggestions or advice would be great;y appreciated.
wilkey113 said:
I had it in the oven to get it hot, but still wouldn't move.
How hot does it need to get?

It shouldn't need much heat. If it stripped the tool then it's certainly tighter than it should be?
Yes, it's definitely too tight. The other 3 came out as they should have.
I'm just trying to be patient and not cause any damage while getting it out.
I'll give the heat another try since it's been soaking a few days since.
I guess my patience paid off. Ended up tapping new threads into the spindle and using the bolt / socket / washers technique. Kind of crude, but it was getting replace anyway.