NCNO Rolling Thunder XXXIV Rally

Jul 17, 2005
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Nations Capital Norton Owners will hold the 34th annual Rolling Thunder Rally at Blackwater State Falls Park, WVA.

All British motorcycle owners & enthusiasts welcome.
Group rides through the WVA mountains on Saturday morning.

Event starts Friday 9/9/16, and concludes Sunday 9/11/16.
Pre-registration is $75 (received before 9/1/16)
At the gate admission is $95.
Make payment to NCNO and send to:
Rolling Thunder
c/o Jeff Burns
13008 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904-5226

If you don't choose to tent camp, cabins and a lodge are on the park grounds. They may be reserved by contacting the park directly.

Additionally, the Alpine Lodge is located in Davis perhaps a mile from the park entrance. They may be contacted at (304) 259-5245.

NCNO Rolling Thunder XXXIV Rally