Been there done that, very comon, its done it before so who ever repaired it didn't fix the problem with the spacers, thrown chains can make a mess of things as well.
Thats if you can afford one, I picked up a inner and outer case off ebay a few years ago was under $100 and was in perfect condition, the inner is on my bike and now have a spare outer case, you can get new inner cases, RGM etc sell them.
Found undeniable proof! Although it was correct when I took it apart yesterday, there was a washer there and it looked absolutely right. So this is obviously an old mistake by some previous owner. Should add that it´s not in an original frame, it´s an old chopper with a rigid frame. A quick look yesterday makes me suspect that the chain alignment is not what it should be.
Dave: Thanks for reminding me.....
Gripper: I would do that in a heartbeat if I had the money, but that´s not the case (no pun intended ) at the moment.
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