My local beach

robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
Country flag
Tannum Sands beach last week...
My local beach
Sometimes I wish I had emigrated to Australia in the late 60's!


OTH ....... I most likely would have come back when the Au Govt called in the firearms.
Slick you can still have fire arms here just need a licence and a gun safe, you can't live out bush without a gun as things want to eat you, they just cracked down on the illegal guns and people with criminal records.
Australia is still a safe place to live yes we have our crazies still, but we hardly have gun deaths here, yes we had 3 not so long ago caused by crazy people who wanted a shoot out with the police.
We are having troubles with our youth these days running a muck but no guns, knives and fist yes but no guns, it's only a small number of youth gangs running a muck around the country, we having more problems with one punch kills.
More deaths on our roads than violence.
As for kangaroos we have more of them to humans here, over 40 million to a population of 24 million, even close to my home I have come across roos while walking the dogs and I live in major city, anywhere there is bush they be there, they are also good swimmers and have no troubles swimming cross rivers looking for the best grass to graze on, and the red roos can grow to 7' tall and built like brick sh.t houses, you stay well clear of them.
As for kangaroos we have more of them to humans here, over 40 million to a population of 24 million, even close to my home I have come across roos while walking the dogs and I live in major city, anywhere there is bush they be there, they are also good swimmers and have no troubles swimming cross rivers looking for the best grass to graze on, and the red roos can grow to 7' tall and built like brick sh.t houses, you stay well clear of them.
I was at the broadford hell's angels show in 1985
They set up a boxing ring on the stage and brought out a huge boxing kangaroo
But the roo got spooked by all the noise and the people,it kicked two or three blokes in the bollocks and had to be taken off
It was one of the maddest things I've ever seen
Beautiful photo , lots of similar scenes here in Nova Scotia , however water temps decidedly much lower year round , other than inner Northumberland St. beaches ( cottage country)…. dogs are generally only 4 footed animals around ….
As for kangaroos we have more of them to humans here, over 40 million to a population of 24 million, even close to my home I have come across roos while walking the dogs and I live in major city, anywhere there is bush they be there, they are also good swimmers and have no troubles swimming cross rivers looking for the best grass to graze on, and the red roos can grow to 7' tall and built like brick sh.t houses, you stay well clear of them.
Do they have a hunting season? We have deer out the ying yang but you can’t shoot em in the burbs
Out bush you can shoot roos all year round roo meat is one of the leanest meats around but most are shot for pet food shame really as it's good eating and a lot healthier than beef, but it now sold for human consumption.
There is a big outcry from people about killing roos but that is mostly from people OS and have no idea how many roos are in Aus they are in plage numbers in drought conditions.
In matting conditions you see male roos standing up to each other with kicking and paws, very dangerous if you are close and they will attact if you get in their way and the big reds are the most dangerous of all roos.