My Domi 99 wont start - help!

Oct 27, 2020
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Hi all,

First time entrant and really pleased to be able to join these conversations!

Can anyone shed any light on why my 1962 Dominator 99 (12v convert on 2x6v serial coils + contact breakers) conked after 20 mins and now won't even think about starting? Battery has been fully charged (and is new). Lights all working (although dipper switch a bit temperamental). HT leads delivering generous spark. Compression is good. No tell-tale oil leaks. Nothing 'hanging off'.

It's a fresh engine rebuild (professionally done) and so I'm gently running the engine in. I have recently installed a new wiring loom but have had the bike running smoothly over the last two weeks, albeit only for a few minutes at a time. It started first time (cold engine) on my last outing.

I'm super puzzled and will gladly accept any advice anyone has.


62 would have been magneto, therefore your power distribution to the coils /points is retro engineered. You will need to reverify the entire system. Wires and physical drive to ensure mechanical synchronization to the machinery (per Bernard)
Change/check the plugs, make sure they are not sooty black. Then a squirt of fuel down the carb throat should get some running for a few seconds. That will help decide if ignition or fuel problem.
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