MK3 Rear Hub - a quick question

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Aug 8, 2006
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I just got home after riding my Norton to work.
Today for the first time I was hearing some "clanking" from inside of the rear hub.
I'm pretty confident that that kinda star shape piece of tin (hub plate) is rattling.

My rear tire is worn out and I am going to be replacing it very soon and I would really like to address this new issue while I have it apart.

My question is why? why now?
Anything in there I should look to replace ? Cush rubbers maybe?

Mark said:
I just got home after riding my Norton to work.
Today for the first time I was hearing some "clanking" from inside of the rear hub.
I'm pretty confident that that kinda star shape piece of tin (hub plate) is rattling.

My rear tire is worn out and I am going to be replacing it very soon and I would really like to address this new issue while I have it apart.

My question is why? why now?
Anything in there I should look to replace ? Cush rubbers maybe?


That is a normal noise on a Mk3 after some miles. Glue the plate down with RTV around the edge. New rubbers or not. Jim
No problem at all with the spendo.
I was just looking to be a little proactive and only have to put my bike up on the lift once.

I would rather ride my bikes than work on them and I would much rather spend my money on gas than parts.
But, with over 77,000 miles on it now, some things are bound to wear.

Thanks for the reply Jim.
I figured that it would be a simple fix since there's not much in there to go wrong.
RTV is cheap, cheap is good!
Mark said:
No problem at all with the spendo.
I was just looking to be a little proactive and only have to put my bike up on the lift once.

I would rather ride my bikes than work on them and I would much rather spend my money on gas than parts.
But, with over 77,000 miles on it now, some things are bound to wear.

Thanks for the reply Jim.
I figured that it would be a simple fix since there's not much in there to go wrong.
RTV is cheap, cheap is good!

I am surprised you were able to ride it for 77000 without gluing it down. They usually rattle after about 15000.
Maybe you will fix a rattle that you have heard on bumps for a long time but never knew what it was.

I just put new rubbers in this morning, didn't think about RTV'ing the plate down.

Damn Mark, you couldn't have asked this question yesterday?

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