mk3 new starter

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Sep 26, 2010
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hi replaced original starter which just about worked when warm with STARTER MOTOR
with a motobatt battery and boyer micro mk4 now it wont sytart on motor at all it seems the best spark i get at the plugs is when i release the starter button , i presume its the boyer but would be pleased to hear any comments please
Have your up-graded your high current starter wires?

Are you sure that your alternator is up to OE specs?
tray said:
with a motobatt battery and boyer micro mk4 now it wont sytart on motor at all it seems the best spark i get at the plugs is when i release the starter button,

Is the white/purple (ballast bypass) wire disconnected (preferably at both ends, coils and starter solenoid)? As it won't start on the electric starter with that wire connected if electronic ignition is fitted.
ta for replys yes main cables upgraded and ballast wires disconnected will test alternator when
Battery been load-tested? Not just with a voltmeter but a load-tester? Funny things can happen when a battery can't supply all the current necessary to turn the starter while maintaining voltage enough to spark the Boyer.

Can you start it with kick assist to the starter. Would rule out a weak battery.
Sounds as if the starter is sucking enough current to shut down the Boyer, which is voltage-sensitive.
Yea the starter sucks huge current away from the Boyer which needs big power too. Try starting it with the clutch pulled in. Here's an idea... pull the battery and yes take it to a shop for a load testing. Take a car battery , put it on the floor and run wires to the bike's battery terminal points. Start cranking and if she fires up you know it's new battery time. (Fuse one of the car battery leads).
just a thought but if you have converted to a new digital Boyer ET then have you put a resister in the series
resister plugs, or plug leads?
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