Mk3 13mm Rear Master Cylinder

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Mar 7, 2020
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A Cri De Coeur, gentlemen.....
Nigh on five years ago I purchased a complete 13mm rear brake master cylinder from Andover Norton. Having been mightily impressed with the smaller bore front brake upgrade, this seemed like a: 'good thing'.
Like most bright ideas it got put on hold 'until.... until!' SO.... Having had a low speed spill earlier in the year, replacing the bent footrest holder seemed a good time to fit the shiny new cylinder..
Alas, it would seem the inactivity had perished the seals, as no way would it pass enough fluid to be of use. But (isn't there always a: 'but?') dismantling was a royal pain, heat was used, not realising the inner piston was plastic (or similar) and when finally released the afore mentioned piston was blistered and distorted beyond use :-(
Trouble now is Andover can't supply the piston alone, only a complete barrel assembly. Even more annoying five years ago the price was almost £100 more than currently listed, so I have a £340 ornamental objet d'art...
The chances of anyone having another piston are pretty slim, I am sure, visually it matches the 'normal' Mk3 rear piston, though slimmer, of course.
Not sure if there was a contemporary triumph fitting either, all web searches have pulled a big zilch, so I'm throwing it here on the off chance one of you fine fellows may be able to help, thank you :-)
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