Missing the politics in the "pub"

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Well . . . That misses the point. Doesn’t it?

I mean Democrats run every sh**hole city inthe country and its racist to say so?

Gee . . Maybe “progressive” policies have something to do with it?

Further, anybody who thinks they know what Trump tweeted because they saw it on the news should go onto Twitter and read the FULL tweet, not just the BS clipped loaded fake version

I didn't see the clip, nor do I read Twitter or watch TV news. I do agree with you, it is a challenge to manage major metropolitan centers, especially when they account for 62% of the population and 3% of land area.

You sound very un-american calling our cities "shit holes" by the way. I know a few 9/11 first responders who would disagree with your reckless characterizations.
"YouTube personality" doesn't qualify as a credible news source in my book. Nor should it in yours.

Try harder.
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so with numerous sources for a video of Bernie calling Baltimore comparable to a third world country that was OK and you refuse to recognize the bias because of the source, even though it was in video it was not from an approved source of yours or you was not there in person.
Yes Bill, I am perfectly capable of coming to my own conclusions based on facts, history, critical thinking and common sense.

Sorry if this offends you.
You won’t go to the source, Twitter to read the actual posts.

You won’t watch an objective you tube video created by a supporter in 2016 of Bermie Sanders.

Instead you claim your “own conclusions based on facts, history critical thinking and common sense.”

Typical lefty NPC

Missing the politics in the "pub"
Enough said
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C’mon guys, let’s not stoop to the level of our current politicians.
There is no doubt that President Trump divides opinion, the same is true of our new Prime Minister but we should argue honestly, debate openly and at all times allow our thinking to determine our words- surely we are above the playground taunts?
C’mon guys, let’s not stoop to the level of our current politicians.
There is no doubt that President Trump divides opinion, the same is true of our new Prime Minister but we should argue honestly, debate openly and at all times allow our thinking to determine our words- surely we are above the playground taunts?

Let the names begin!

Playground taunts are the bread and butter of the current administration. Don't expect anything less from it's followers (as evidenced above). Not sure what an NPC is but I'm sure it's a really, really clever insult. Cute graphic as well, thanks for that.
on the cities comments .... I am a very proud Canadian , no doubt , been to and enjoyed NYC many more times than either of our big Eastern cities Toronto & Montreal .... little closer maybe , just had more enjoyable times there ....
Welcome back anytime Craig.

Funny that DT preferred a "blue state progressive shithole city" like NYC to living in the actual White House.

Really hate that the divide and conquer strategy is working right now. I can hear the billionaire class laughing all the way to the bank.
Yup , thanks , no doubt will be back eventually ..... been visiting since late 70’s till a couple yrs ago , have witnessed a lot of changes over those yrs ....
There's a lot of problems in american cities. I worked in the south bronx in 1980's. It was pretty insane. During that time the south bronx was dubbed "Fort Apache", hence the movie name. If you characterize any of those places as a shithole, you're called a racist. The south bronx in the 80's was such a shithole. The only reason our building didn't get burned out was because the winery was downstairs below our business, and the locals broke in to steal wine regularly. What sense would it make to burn out your source of stolen alcohol???

We hired two of the local gang members full time to go for coffee and sweep up when they felt like it. Consequently, we had local protection. If you robbed our shop, you probably don't have to worry about the cops, they were too busy solving murders to worry about property theft... If the local gang found out you robbed us, you would be found with a bullet in your head, or maybe they would just kick your ass, take to stuff you stole and sell it themselves. No honor among thieves...

It's pretty impossible to be a white person and point the finger at anything in the black community and criticize it without drawing the racist accusation. Sadly, that dynamic continues to hurt their community. Every community needs to be less like the italian mafia of old, where we protect our own even when they are doing wrong. Every community needs to be called out when they are fucked up. In the case of the mafia, their heinous reign didn't diminish until good italians rejected their cultural practices and were involved in prosecuting them, and criticizing good italian people for being complicit with the mafia's behavior... A lot of urban cultures need that criticism from within, rather than tribalistically accepting some fucked up cultural disfunction among people of their own culture out of some sort of "Cultural loyalty".

As John was saying, we have a boatload of insults and accusations back and forth from both parties, but not a lot of desire to come together to eliminate the present urban cultural problems. It's just my opinion, but I think the biggest obsticle is "who gets the credit". If democrats get on board with a Trump policy that helps needy communities, then they help Trump get re-elected. If republicans back a democrat's plan that helps the american people, then the democrats pick up support for their successes.. Neither will help the other do anything good for us, because they risk loosing political power in the process.

I don't think this is a very controversial thing to say. I think politics after WWII was less devisive because we fought a war together which saved the planet. I think as we became more prosperous as a nation in the years after the war, politics gradually became big business. That's where we are today. The parties are competitive businesses, who are more concerned with choking out their competitor than producing a better product for we citizens...

It's actually more politically effective to let people suffer and blame your opponent for the suffering, then do something good to eliminate the suffering and take the credit for yourself.

...... I have spoken....
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I will never stand behind a man who points his finger at a community of struggling Americans and utters the word "shithole".

Wonder how Donald would characterize the opioid addled towns scattered through Appalachia?
a community of struggling Americans

As I said above, if a "community" was interesting in improving their neighborhood, it would identify problematic behavior of individuals in their community, rather than look the other way at problematic behavior because of some perceived tribal loyalty. In the 80's it was the crack epidemic. It went on for a long time. In the dead of winter on my way to the shop one morning, I saw some crack head walking in the snow with only one shoe on and his shirt hanging half off of him. He was like a walking zombie.

One day working in the shop, I saw some crack heads with a stolen white cadilac. They put it up on cinder blocks, took the wheels off and went to sell them to a local "gas station". Then they stripped the seats out of the cadilac and drag the seats into a burned out building that had been previously shuttered by the city to keep squatters out. They were inside the abandoned building sitting on white leather seats, doing the crack they bought with the money from selling the tires...

Tommorow, they will look to do something similar for their next fix. That's a shithole. There's no color of people involved. The fact that a rural community homeless person has the ability to go take a shit in the woods if they have no fascilities makes a difference between living in squalor or not. Rural people can eek out some sort of a subsistance without creating an entire community living in visible squalor is what saves them from the "shithole" connotation, not that they are white people. In an urban community, the sheer density of bad behavior has a much greater effect on the community. It's much more visible when drug dealers, crackwhores, and crackheads are walking down the street regularly, and so the effect is great and the problem is more obvious.

Out here in the PNW, a lot of the serious drug users live in homeless camps. Some have taken to the woods, but not all that many. The homeless camps are more obvious than the guys living up in the hills, and of course the homeless camps get called every shitholian adjective, where as the rural homeless catch much less condemnation.
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Frank, you are using quite possibly the most extreme example of urban blight ever recorded in American history to prove a point about today's politics.
While the South Bronx still faces a lot of challenges, crime in NYC is at its its lowest since the 1950's.
My point is, wagging your finger at poor people and calling their communities shit holes does absolutely nothing for anyone.
It is doubly insulting coming from silver spoon Donald Trump.

And honestly, fuck his tweets or his racism.

There are far more troubling things going on with our government at the moment. Perhaps we could discuss those issues instead of a goddamn tweet.
NPC is an a abbreviation of Non Playable Character - meaning automaton characters in video games who only repeat the same lines and do the same couple of things - in other words they don’t learn they don’t think they just repeat what they are programmed to do and say

I note again - hear speak see no evil - typical closesd minded lefty behavior and coincident with the Tech Left’s censorship of late
As I said, it's impossible for anyone outside an ethnic community to point to a cultural problem within that community without being called prejudice, and when you're part of that ethnic community you don't want to speak up and be attacked by those supposed "community leaders" who feel their leadership is threatened by the inconvenient truths.

From what I am told, baltimore is in really bad shape. I think it's the second highest murder rate in the nation...

As Denzel Washington says, it's culture that's the problem, not anyone's color. (which is talking about behavior, not national origin or race)

I get it that you hate trump. I know a lot of people who hate Obama. I'll tell you what I tell them. Your "hate" is a feeling which is only partly factually based. Instead of expressing your hate for Trump (or Obama), tell us why he's wrong, or his policy/policies is/are wrong. That's a better criticism than calling anyone a name.
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