Mikuni VM cable choke advice needed

May 20, 2013
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Folks - what (maybe single carb earlier Triumph?) handlebar air slide lever cable would fit a Mikuni “choke” cable enrichener MK-412?
The existing lever choke works well except for fouling the Fasback tank fuel lines a bit, and being awkward to access with the long FB side cover.
I’m not sure yet about whether to use a left or right-hand handlebar lever, but the cable doesn’t need to be super long. Main concern is that the enrichener end fitting fits the ferrule slot.
George in VT
Folks - what (maybe single carb earlier Triumph?) handlebar air slide lever cable would fit a Mikuni “choke” cable enrichener MK-412?
The existing lever choke works well except for fouling the Fasback tank fuel lines a bit, and being awkward to access with the long FB side cover.
I’m not sure yet about whether to use a left or right-hand handlebar lever, but the cable doesn’t need to be super long. Main concern is that the enrichener end fitting fits the ferrule slot.
George in VT
Not sure if it helps
But as far as I'm aware the enrichment plunger in a MK2 Amal is the same as the mikuni plunger so if you can get one of those I reckon it'll fit straight on
Or change it to the flip lever type
Not sure if it helps
But as far as I'm aware the enrichment plunger in a MK2 Amal is the same as the mikuni plunger so if you can get one of those I reckon it'll fit straight on
Or change it to the flip lever type
Ay yuh - same guess here about Amal MK2 being the same. Question is what cable connects to plunger. The flip lever currently fitted has the issues mentioned earlier.
Thanks for responding!
Think it best practice to use no cable on choke , use the lever provided , has a couple indents for ease of use , plus extra cables detract from appearance ….
I use the lever on my Mikuni and the moment the bike starts, I flip the choke off. Once it starts, it runs better
without the choke. But if you do mount a cable, I suggest the left handlebar as you will be busy opening
the throttle with your right hand.
My bike starts best when cold with the choke full on and the throttle slightly open.
Hi George. I recently fitted a TM34 and used the same kit MK-412 with a lever and cable from single carb triumph. Had to machine up small steel ball with hole for cable to suit the MK-412 and shorten the inner cable to suit. Works a treat as you can have full choke or partial choke until it runs without the choke. The lever only moves about 1" but works well. Much better than fiddling around under the tank. Graham. South Australia.
I had a Boyer on my bike.
It did not idle well when cold (and with the choke turned off right after starting.)
It was the "almost about to stall" type idle so I keep throttle open a bit,
When I put on the TriSpark, it then idled fine (when choke off immediately)
despite me not having done any carb adjustment.
I use the lever on my Mikuni and the moment the bike starts, I flip the choke off. Once it starts, it runs better
without the choke. But if you do mount a cable, I suggest the left handlebar as you will be busy opening
the throttle with your right hand.
My bike starts best when cold with the choke full on and the throttle slightly open.
OK, but in truth, you could probably refine your pilot jetting, going for a leaner one.

Agreed left hand only for the choke lever. My Mikuni set-ups demand closed throttle, or no starting!

On my Suzuki GT500 race bike I have fitted Don Pender's replica TZ Yamaha Thumb Choke. But sometimes a two-stroke could use a small squirt of fuel even for a warm start. I suspect some have hit the thumb lever in desperation at the end of a long straight too!

On my Rickman I reach under the tank for the two levers, which are both left-handed and not linked, convenient it isn't, but generally I only need to start on choke once in a day.

I shut off the left choke certainly not immediately, but fairly quickly, but I leave the right one until I am sure it isn't going to stall (I don't always get that right). To do this I usually reach my left hand over the tank and underneath to push the actual plunger down. Also remember this is a race bike, it doesn't really tick over, and I am keeping the revs over 2000/2500 until it's really warm. (did I say it isn't convenient?).

On my Fury, (SR500 Yamaha engine) I am installing a single VM38 in place of a 38mm MkII Amal. To work the choke on the Amal I have had to add a wire tag to pull it down. So with this bike I want to install a single choke operating lever on the left clip on bar. The bar is a bit crowded because it also has a decompressor lever and a kill button. There are various items on eBay, some Italian made, that look OK, but I would also like to know a good choice.

The Mikuni cable choke parts are available from Allens Performance and Steve at Motocarb in the UK, and Niche Cycle in the US. The cables are available from Allens.
a long time since I installed a cable but the set up on a carburreted snowmobile was cable operated. It was simple to unscrew the lever part and install the cable thing. I use the standard handlebar choke operaring lever. easier to use and has the advantage of being infinitely adjustable
Thank You! FWIW, the various Mikuni outlets show some snowmobile cable controls, but perhaps from changing demand for carbureted engines, the cable lengths are very short.