Maggie Thatcher and Ronnie Reagan

I think the Falkland Islanders themselves thought they were going to be dumped.No more driving off into the sunset in their Morris Minors past transplanted hedgerows.My impression from a radio documentary . Felt a bit sad ,because here was virtually the sole part of the old empire the Brits had not acquired by conquest.. they were actually empty and unpopulated.

I am not sure at what stage in the so called war Thatcher decided she actually wanted to fight it , I think the invasion had actually happened , I do not remember all the details, maybe she suddenly realised that here was an opportunity to establish her brand, whatever, certainly it was an enormous risk , but my gut feeling is that at the outset she was no more behind it than the Tory party was behind Churchill at the outset of ww2.

She did not became an ism until its succesfull conclusion, It was in her second term that the so called wets were rusticated from the cabinet , and the program of privatisation got under way . Although privatisation was pretty much her baby the complicity of the labour party should not be overlooked. BT was the biggest share floatation in history , no one knew what would happen.. a few hostile remarks or counter threats would have killed it .

Prior to the Falkands her record was underwhelming ,unemployment had more than doubled and that of itself would or should normallyhave spelt certain electoral defeat..

However she also failed to put the oil money and its revenues to good or any account.. Sterling became a very overvalued currency which made British manufscturing unviable and effectively spelt its death knoll except as small niche undertakings . A once in a generation opportunity squandered.
'A once in a generation opportunity squandered. '

When Menzies was elected in 1948, he had all the war industries to play with. Since that time, most Australian governments have been conservative. Now we no longer manufacture . Our economy is based upon tourism, money from immigrants, educating foreign students and farm production. Our balance of payments is never discussed by our government.