Looking for a Commando engine rebuilder in Nth Qld

Mar 1, 2015
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Well the title of this thread says it all really. My 74 850 is so low on compression it’s now impossible to start. There have been metal bits in the oil, for the last couple of oil changes too. So I want to treat it to a full restoration. I’m terrible on the spanners & I’d like to find the best person possible to do the job. I’d prefer them to be in Nth Qld, but I’m willing to ship the motor too. So any suggestions would be appreciated.
Not sure about North Queensland but TT Restorations may be worth a try. I think Gary is a very decent and honest person and I’m sure his work is excellent. He is based near Brisbane.
BJs only sells parts these days and he send any work to a so call British bike builder on the N'side of Brisbane who I wouldn't send a kids scooter too, a few of my mates have had engines rebuilds from him and have had major failures, one mate had a rebore and it was over bored and the pistons too lose another his motor kept seizing up, Allcock I think his name is he works from his house.
He also take too long to do jobs and has lost parts while having bikes there, I have never delt with him but mates have been burned.