List of known warranty issues by year model


Jan 15, 2008
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I wonder if anyone has compiled a list of known warranty issues by year/model starting from the first new 961s?

The reason I ask is that for those of us interested in buying a used 961, we'd like to know (and insure correction of) any and all known maladies before purchasing a used bike (or be able to negotiate the priced based on knowing what needs to be done).

contours said:
I've often wondered the same.
You, me, and 90 other people, judging by the number of thread views.

Nobody here care to toss in your personal experience with issues that you know several others have had?

This would be a good place to have a somewhat comprehensive database to draw from.
There are a few threads of issues and most were covered under warranty because the bikes were within warranty but being hand built there are few issues that pertain to ALL bikes. I can't even think of one issue that is a warranty claim on all bikes. Most things were just assembly people at Norton being in experienced. I think most of the assembly issues were solved by 2014. The most scary one was the ring gear sheering off, happened to my dad right next to me at a light.. and a few others on this forum.
I think Richard is correct. There age been one or two issues Richard has addressed in his manuals and Norton has gone forward with corrective action. ( oil in air box and breather issues)

As most of you know I own 2 SF"s and have had no warranty or repair issues. Well that is not true, there have been several repair issues on the racing SF. But they were caused by my mistakes and not the fault of the bike. Matter of fact I have now completed 12 races with associated practice days ( approx 1500 miles) of high speed, hard breaking, and dragging the pegs. I have not had one mechanical failure.

That said a lot about the quality of the bikes right there!!! Good endorsement for Norton. They should do a photo shoot of you and your race bike and a similar quote for their website and magazines.