My bike is 1970 roadster. I ran my engine breather through a MikesXS reed valve into a catch tank and thence to a small K&N pod, bypassing the oil tank. Don't see how any good can come from directing contaminants to the oil tank.
That allowed me to use the port at the top of the tank for tank breathing via a tube along the seat rail, and so to blank off the inbuilt pipe in the central oil tank that drips condensed oil vapour into the air filter.
I had planned to be a good boy and route the engine gases into the front of of the air filter, but it was easier to fit a K&N and not despoil my filter plate.
Since your scavenge pump returns at least 60% air 40% oil to the tank you are getting "contaminated air" in your tank anyway.
I know I would rather follow a bike with the breather hose returned to the tank rather than vented to the air [and on to my windscreen] Done that more than a few times. Jim