Just picked up another project

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Jun 19, 2011
Should have the deal done by this weekend, but figured I would throw up some pictures for you guys. It's a June of 1969 build 750 Commando. Fiberglass tank and wrong left side cover, along with some other changes from the previous owner. We have been storing it for the last 5 or 6 years at our barn and I have been eye-balling it since before then.

Just picked up another project

Just picked up another project

Just picked up another project

Just picked up another project
72westie said:
... and wrong left side cover,

Just in case you missed this info these might be available in original colours from British spares NZ. I got a Fireflake bronze pair but as I understood it they also had different coloured individual pieces.

Have fun with that project!

Nice find. Looks to be pretty much all there if not quite correct. If you decide to sell that left side cover to fund the purchase of a correct one, let me know.

Plan is to get it dug out this weekend, clean it up good and see what it needs. Should hopefully have my other '70 up and running today or tomorrow. First thing to do is line the tank though before I throw any fresh fuel in her.
Go for a steel tank. Dumping in a lining without cutting the tank open is just prolonging the agony.
+1 on getting a steel tank. I've had nuthin' but grief from all the fiberglass tanks I had over the years. For me the sealers held at first, but then they always leaked later on. :evil:

As far as yer new project ... kewl 8) 8) 8) ... makes me want to come over and see it in person. Thanks for posting !!!
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