John Tickle brake / Commando 2LS stiffening kit

May 6, 2010
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I'm wondering if anyone knows, and has direct experience to confirm if the Commando 2LS stiffening kit will work on a John Tickle 2LS brake plate.
I don't have a Commando brake plate to compare, and would like to improve the Tickle brake if the kit would work. I'm guessing that it might not work, but figured I'd see if anyone out there had tried it.
Yes, the brake plate is completely different, but I'm trying to figure out if the brake shoe pivots and the cam are the same distance in relationship to each other. The thought would be that if they were the same distance away, then the stiffening kit would work on both. Someone would have to have both brake plates in hand to measure and compare. Or have used / tried to use the stiffening kit before, in order to advise if it works. Anyone out there have access to both?
Strange that you want to fit a stiffening plate to a John Tickle 2ls brake plate. These did not suffer from warping like the Commando did, when Norton’s tried to save money on using less metal during the casting process.
I used a Tickle 2LS and had no problems with mine.
Bernhard, that's all I needed to hear. I appreciate the info. I probably should have made my post about getting opinions from anyone that had experience with both.
Basically, it's going on a bike that I ride, and I just wanted to ensure that I had as good of a brake as it could be. Without having any previous experience riding with the Titckle brake, I had just assumed that the same issue would apply to it as they did the Commando. If that's not the case, I'll happily leave it alone and use it as is. I've not gotten it mounted yet, so I'll report back once it's in service.
Thanks again
Have a look at the old shoes , if theyve worn tapered across the face , it could ( need It - if you use it full muscle / full speed :P ) uneven wear across would be indicative of pivot wear or flex .

Even wear side to side , and its Not flexing .
If it doesnt get you one way . Itll get you another ! :(

Now thats not a positive outlook . hence clean , inspect , decorate the lounge coffe table with thw parts , and get the whole fAMILY INVOLVED :lol: :lol: :oops:

With them sitting under your nose untill required , you may well come to understand all the components , as if you lived with them . Some People find this a bit ODD .

The Bike normally goes better though . :D :wink:
Who makes the Fontana style brake plates that are sometimes fitted to Grimeca hubs on race bikes ?