Jeltz status update, who's got the Dupuytren's?

Jan 12, 2019
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One week back from the surgeon for Dupuytren's. Right hand is stitched up like a kipper and that's no joke. Early spring here so I got my riding in early. Drained all petrol tanks except for the Gopoti. Surgery done just before things got shut down. Stitches out next week maybe, or maybe DIY. Good thing I went with the 11mm master cylinder upgrade for PR front brake. If the world doesn't end, back to the surgeon after riding season for the left flipper. Put a mile or KM in for me, won't be down for long. If we get quarantined, I'll claim it as "physical therapy".
One week back from the surgeon for Dupuytren's. Right hand is stitched up like a kipper and that's no joke. Early spring here so I got my riding in early. Drained all petrol tanks except for the Gopoti. Surgery done just before things got shut down. Stitches out next week maybe, or maybe DIY. Good thing I went with the 11mm master cylinder upgrade for PR front brake. If the world doesn't end, back to the surgeon after riding season for the left flipper. Put a mile or KM in for me, won't be down for long. If we get quarantined, I'll claim it as "physical therapy".
I have had two surgeries on this hand, and the first time it came back in 9 mos and the last time in 4 mos. When I was 50 my surgeon said I "have the hands of a 70 year old" and it was the worst case he had ever seen. Second surgery coming up on my throttle hand.

Jeltz status update, who's got the Dupuytren's?

This is as straight as this one gets.

Hope you have better luck!
I had surgery on one hand for it, and chemical surgery on the other hand. Both were successful, and the Duputyren's has not returned yet, but I did lose a fair bit of strength in each hand. And they do suffer more from cramps while riding. But overall, I'm just happy it worked well enough that I can still ride at all.

I have had two surgeries on this hand, and the first time it came back in 9 mos and the last time in 4 mos. When I was 50 my surgeon said I "have the hands of a 70 year old" and it was the worst case he had ever seen. Second surgery coming up on my throttle hand.

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This is as straight as this one gets.

Hope you have better luck!
Looks like you broke your little finger, I also broke mine on l h but it's not as bad as yours, did you fall off like me? (Mine was on spilled oil on the track)
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I’ve got similar in the left hand, and the beginnings in the right. I can live with it right now as the doc says it’s not bad enough to warrant an operation. The likelihood is that it will return even after an op. The only painful bit about the left hand, bearing in mind I’m left handed, is that if I am not careful enough I’ll put pressure on the pronounced tendon in the middle of my palm if I straighten it - then it really hurts like mad. I think I’ve also got the beginnings on a foot too.
Had it for many years, apparently inherited from Viking ancestry. Control it by stretching exercise (painfull). System has too much collagen. On the plus side ,high collagen makes me look 20 years younger ,so they say!.
Some followup based on multiple replies. Both pinkies bent at 90° Gloves are a challenge. Previously treated with Xiaflex (chemical) which was way worse than surgery and it came right back in a couple of years. Stretching is part of instructed physical therapy.
Had my left hand done back in about 1990, still good, right started getting lumps and curling fingers over about 10 years ago, but been gently stretching them occasionally, specialist said not bad enough to operate, so far s good.
Not much fun though!

This getting older lark with all our aches, pains and assorted ailments is getting to be a royal pita!

beats the alternative though I guess
Final update. Stitches out two weeks past, now on to physical therapy. Feels decent enough to turn a wrench so we're into the primary to have a look at the clutch as it's been getting harder to find neutral and it was once easy many miles ago. Not so sure about the riding yet. Hand feels fine, but there's just the sense that we should all skip on activities that might require medical care right now. However a test ride after clutch work will probably be in order.

I'm outa the pub for now. Some of you play a little rough for Jeltz.
Old local girl in paper today is 101 yrs. , survived all the shit from 1918 till now plus 8 kids ... told reporter she hasn’t had “the good sense to die” , she just waiting in “the departure lounge” .... she a lot older than I , but lately it seems with all this idle time that where a lot of us are , in departure lounge .... good luck to all with the bad hands , my list is too long to mention here in limited space , haha!