Hey Mark,
Congrats, yes I love that first start up, even after a engine rebuild, it is a special moment when everything clicks. Put TotalSeal ring pack in mine, and it makes a difference to the starting drill. You can hang 95 kg on the kicker, static and nothing happens until you jump hard. But she draws the fuel through and you can just about guarantee a first kick start stone cold. Not sure about your clutch, but I normaly need to break mine, by kicking through carefully, ign off and clutch lever in, untill she free's off. But be careful not to be too entusiastic, as when it free's off it lets go real quick.
Nice looking bike, shame we are 4000 km apart but now you can have some real fun. I would suggest you go the re-torquing rigmarol, especially if you have a composite head gasket. I even have a special copper baseplate to get the compression ratio dialed in and even the base nuts gave a little after the first heat cycle. Exhaust nuts to, do them every ride for the first few rides. If it is a new bore, run non friction modified oil for 100 miles then turf it, together with the filter. check you crank drain, with magnet in it. Try not to run the engine in Perth heat, middle of the day, for the first couple of short runs. Run the engine for short runs, but load her up in short bursts and let her overun to oil bores. Don't let her idle for extended periods.
Hope this helps and enjoy mate.