Yes , I found that it needed your UNDIVIDED ATTENTION .
The old 6/10 or 8/10 concentration level was ok, as long as it was on where youre at , and the rest was on hold . No Daydreaming . It all gets a bit tense though
Consider the pre flight checks and operating procedeures for aircraft , and a similar disposition seems required for any performace vehicle in a Combat Situation ( excuse the pun ) .
Download the manual pilots used to fly the Supermarine Spitfire II, MK IIA and IIB
All the gobbledegook buisness training caries over into their road manners .Their minds cant be guarenteed to be on the job .
EYE CONTACT at intersections is nessesary ( I find someone seldom runs you over on pedestrian crossings if youre looking them in the eye . )
the subliminal intentions seem to transfer visually . Driveing I either potter as if on a Tractor , and wave if anyone toots ) or regard the occupants of the
sceneary as moveing obstacles if pressed .
A vehical apart from their space / time continum ( mode of opperation - questionable ) is best apart from the , derived from its on consiousness in operating parameters. As In it needs to get of the line smartly , and hold square & maintain steerableity under brakeing & power .Occasioning body language for balance .