I too would like to absolutely thank Jerry and L.A.B. for their tremendous work on this site.
As any regular reader of it will observe, there are some blunt posts and expansive differences of opinion on it from time to time. I guess that just goes with the territory when you are dealing with a diverse group of individuals across the world, with substantially differing levels of expertise and experience on the subject of the forum; differing ages (grumpy old men rule?) and differing interests; some members just interested; some racers; some whose remuneration and businesses are dependent on their expertise and marketing, and for whom this site might be a potential marketing tool, or marketing disaster.
We all could remember that like email these written forum posts are a vary blunt instrument; it is easy for a written message to be misinterpreted; for many of us written communications are not our strongest skill, and even typing can be a struggle.
And a lot of people thrive on conflict, so for those members who come into that category the ability to let rip through the relative anonymity of a forum post might be attractive; there is often no payback for an attack, other than responses on the site.
Relating all that to the question posed in this thread; from what I can tell L.A.B. is a popular moderator; he certainly has my vote. He has tested me once or twice, so that I try to get my facts half straight and do a little research before I sound off; if he has done that with a few of us that will have certainly assisted in making this site so informative and entertaining. He is also not averse to letting a discussion wander into something a bit off topic but interesting. So thge answer to the question is "Yes".