If you lose that fiber washer in your fork slider....

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Jun 14, 2007
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Just in case anyone runs into this problem - I replaced fork dampers with the stanchions and sliders in situ and twice lost a fiber washer at the bottom of the slider (once removing an old damper and once installing a new one).

Tried a few things and then used a rifle cleaning rod with a slotted jag and a big (2"x2") patch through the jag. WASHER came out in seconds each time, on the rod. The patch slipped through the washer on the downstroke and caught it on the up.

Don't imagine there will be a LOT of call for this technique (even assuming you have cleaning rod/jag/patch hanging around) but just in case. It realllllly worked well!
I have Dowty washer fitted on my damper tubes which are significantly heavier than fibre washers.... even though a smear of grease around them holds them in place perfectly
Yeah, I used a dab of grease on mine after one came off during installation of the new dampers.

BTW, the cleaning patch technique works great for cleaning out the grunge at the bottoms of the sliders in situ, which is what I was using it for originally - was quite surprised when the errant fiber washer came out with a patch (the washer that dropped off the old damper during removal, not the new one during installation - "professional" pride compels me to note that all was cleaned before the new one went in).
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