Head is not off...imaged via borescope.Can you feel them (head off?) Or view from a bore scope?
Ouwie! Was that from a wrist pin clip going adrift?Can't say for sure about yours with any certainties but it looks a he'll of a lot better than mine didView attachment 118053
Valvoline VR6 Racing 20w50. Engine doesn't smoke. good starting and idling. Just feels weaker than in the recent past, with a noticeable periodic hesitation while at steady speeds....my imagination goes to engine "nipping up" but have no first hand knowledge of what that would feel like.When I have my head off and using copper head gaskets I only ever retorque the copper gasket at 500 miles then forget, they aren't like the fiber gaskets that need retorquing many times over, them marks could be the ring gaps maybe, they don't look deep, as for 5-7 psi difference in each cylinder is not a great deal could be a few things to cause a difference, what oil are you running???
Yes, I did a check last year when I noted this issue. All seemed ok and resetting to spec made no change in the issue. The left side seems to also give more clatter from the top end so valve clearance was worth checking anyway.Were the valve lashes checked ?
Well the compression guage was the same used side to side...so even if not giving accurate readings, it should at least be consistent btwn sides...and it's more about being within a few psi on each side, right? Perhaps the copper gasket is developing a blow out, like I had on this bike a few years back.Maybe your just over thinking things and worrying about what may happen instead of just enjoying your ride times, 5-6k miles is not really that many miles, if you do regular maintenance you should get long life out of your cylinders/motor as for your motor nipping up it would have done that a long time ago if there was a problem with too tight of clearance between final piston to hone bore and most bike shops when doing rebores will always do the final clearance a bit more as their thinking is not knowing how the bike will be run in by the owner, any other time nip ups is when something fails or breaks.
A lot of things can cause a slight drop in PSI in a cylinder and how accurate is your compression tester or using it right, a valve not seating right on one cylinder, all guess work really.
Please consider the possibility of a "leakup", i.e., valves not seating properly, or eroded seats/valve rims.Thinking to ask some club members if they can help me do a leakdown check (I've no access to a compressor).
I thought similar.Please consider the possibility of a "leakup", i.e., valves not seating properly, or eroded seats/valve rims.
- Knut
Not that it explains the difference but for EI you can time to 31 BTDC at the EI's recommended revs not the 28 BTDC at 3K for points. Once fully advanced the points stop advancing, for EI its a curve where at high revs its still advancing very slowly but you can use more advance as the wander of the points is missing and there is no difference for side to side timing due to the self correcting of using 2 magnets on the rotor and 2 sensor coils on the stator.But should be at 28 btdc still.