I spent the money and took my chances

Oct 28, 2014
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50 bucks and roll the dice. I am happy to say it was worth the $ and the minimal effort to install. The new "Raised exhaust port floor shoes", a new offering from Jim Schmidt. I am test riding on city streets in Seattle so it's impossible to really put them to the test but they do give a boost from low rpm on up. Also, I was able to turn the idle down by about 200 RPM. This Sunday will be a good test riding around Vashon Island. I would buy them again.
50 bucks and roll the dice. I am happy to say it was worth the $ and the minimal effort to install. The new "Raised exhaust port floor shoes", a new offering from Jim Schmidt. I am test riding on city streets in Seattle so it's impossible to really put them to the test but they do give a boost from low rpm on up. Also, I was able to turn the idle down by about 200 RPM. This Sunday will be a good test riding around Vashon Island. I would buy them again.
Hi Seattle,
What model Commando did you install them on?
I am amazed that you could actually feel a substantial difference in performance, while riding the bike at low speed. I have long believed there is a Kadency effect with the four-stroke exhaust. This seems to prove it. I have always been very careful to have smooth internals in my exhaust ports - no steps. But I never thought about the shape of the floor of the port.
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I didn't say substantial, just that it felt a bit stronger at low RPMs. I rode it around Vashon island yesterday and it was most noticeable around 27oo or 3000 rpm. I could definitely feel it pulling better. Worth the 50 bucks.
It will be interesting to hear impressions from dual carb commandos and various configuration exhausts and carbs. I bought a set for my 850 with 32mm Amals and stock exhaust with crossover pipe into Dunstall mufflers. I also bought Jim's intake sleeves to decrease intake port diameter of the RH4 head to closer to a RH10. The Amals are 50+ years old, so I'll replace with my 30 year Amals from the 750.
However, I don't expect to be able to ride it until next year until I rebuild the front forks.